Re: question, mailing list, for disucssing HPC and web applications

It sounds like you are the right kind of person to join the HPCweb 
community group, and I would encourage you to submit questions to the 
list as well as to join up. You don't need to be employed by a W3C 
member organization to join us, and we aim to be broad-ranging in our 
membership. The group formed with the initial goal of sharing just this 
sort of information among its members. Several of us are involved in 
bioinformatics projects at the moment, including the iPlant 
Collaborative Portal, the DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase), and 
bioscience gateways at individual computing centers. We are also 
interested in developing standards for web APIs, which we believe will 
be of benefit to developers in all domains that take advantage of HPC 
and the web. I'm curious what sorts of projects you're working on, for 
what types of users, and what challenges you're finding.
Looking forward to hearing from you,

On 8/27/12 1:56 PM, Sai Tong wrote:
> Hi W3C HPC community group.
> I'm new to the idea of combining high-performance computing and web 
> technology . I'm  currently looking into  building web applications 
> that would following the best methodology to utilize high performance 
> computing clusters in a bioinformatics laboratory. So  I'm looking for 
> a forum to share ideas and to ask question regarding some of the 
> current best practices in making computing and data resources of a 
> high-performance computing environment available through web 
> applications.
> can I ask such kind of questions in the public-hpcweb mailing list?
> -Sai

Received on Sunday, 2 September 2012 00:45:30 UTC