- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 18:07:03 -0400
- To: public-houdini@w3.org
- Cc: www-style@w3.org
================================================= These are the official Houdini Task Force minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ================================================= Layout API ---------- - RESOLVED: Abspos parented to custom layout elements have static pos computed similar to flex and grid children (static pos rect coincides with parent rect) (Issue #775) - RESOLVED: The rules for abspos containing blocks is not changed with the presence of custom layout. (Issue #775) - RESOLVED: Custom layout must return all fragments, otherwise return an error and fall back to block layout. (Issue #775) - RESOLVED: Use Promises and add a note about error handling (Issue #750) - RESOLVED: No change on Issue #437 (percentageInlineSize / percentageBlockSize) - RESOLVED: Intrinsic size in orthogonal flows are taken according to the writing mode of the containing block, and intrinsic size calculations have to be consistent with all other places in CSS (per CSS Sizing). (Issue #776) Typed OM -------- - RESOLVED: Add frremy as co-editor on css-typed-om, move nainar to former editor Custom Paint ------------ - RESOLVED: Deferred to L2 (Issue #763: optional arguments in paint functions) - RESOLVED: Custom Paint to CR ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/wiki/Sydney-F2F-July-2018#proposed-topics Scribe: heycam ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Layout API ========== Missing fragments and absolute children --------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/775 <div style="display: layout(foo);"> <div id=child1></div> <div id=child2> <div id=abspos></div> </div> </div> iank: In the Layout API, it's possible to have multiple children iank: In the example in the issue, the second child has an abspos child in it iank: Its containing block is higher up in the tree iank: Inside of layout, we only lay out the first child, and return it iank: What should the behaviour of the abspos be? Rossen: Is there an expectation for anything to happen to the child box? iank: In the current API, you can just leave out children iank: and they don't lay out eae: Effectively it's display:none eae: so wouldn't it make sense for their children not to show up? Rossen: There are two things Rossen: either the abspos child will be lifted outside the scope of the display:layout function grandparent, or not Rossen: If it's lifted outside of it, I'm assuming layout will happen in the normal way iank: Your assumption is that it will display the abspos child somewhere else Rossen: If it's position is outside the scope of the display:layout Rossen: Would all abspos elements reach their containing block, during custom layout? Rossen: You can have a bunch of inner levels of custom and normal layout Rossen: Will there be a discontinuity in that process? Rossen: My assertion is that it shouldn't Rossen: One potential problem is that if you rely on something as part of the custom layout, in that interleaving, and that's not calculated, you might get wonky results Rossen: e.g. if you don't lay out child 2, and the abspos position depends on child 2's position, you'll have to synthesize something for the static pos Rossen: but that's about it, or you might have something that is switching writing modes or whatnot Rossen: but again my assertion here is that this shouldn't have an effect apart from residual things like static pos iank: I'm fine with that iank: What should happen with the static pos? Rossen: (a) we don't want to have a loss of content, regardless of what happens to the custom layout parent Rossen: i.e. the abspos box should not just disappear, unless you explicitly say so dbaron: So you're saying it should have its normal abspos containing block, and the custom layout is never an abspos containing block. Rossen: No Rossen: My assertion is the box with abspos element will always generate a box, and it will be parented to the appropriate containing block, which may or may not be custom layout Rossen: Distinction is propagating through custom layout layers, second is ending up at a non-custom layout containing block Rossen: So besides calculating some invalid or default static pos iank: Something along the lines of pretend that it did generate a (0, 0, 0, 0) fragment fantasai: For custom layout, unless we want to let it control the static pos, we could certainly just use the rules in flexbox fantasai: which is you pretend that the static pos rectangle is the whole flex container (the abspos’s parent) Rossen: What happens if a flex item is the whole area fantasai: If display:layout and child2 are both doing custom layout Rossen: The outer one is the containing block fantasai: The parent gets used as the static pos rect ...: if you didn't lay it out Rossen: Then its parent fantasai: But that box still needs a position fantasai: Why isn't there a box? dino: On child2 if you put display:none, what happens to abspos? Rossen: Same as always, it wouldn't display dino: Why is different from not laying it out? Rossen: We shouldn't introduce things that are like display:none just because didn't lay out a box fantasai: It should just be (0, 0, 0, 0) dino: Sure fantasai: The box should still exist, and you just happen to not position it Rossen: Just becomes a position and an empty rect dino: If it had a position, you'd use that Rossen: Which is what I would expect iank: Yes Rossen: If my containing block is some span e.g., didn't have anything else than the abspos, it still has a position calculated for it eae: Makes a lot of sense Rossen: The static position of an abspos element, with a custom layout parent, is based on that parent's fragment's box fantasai: Similar to how static pos of a box that is parented to a flex container uses the rectangle of the flex container to calculate it static pos, rather than any hypothetical "would have been" layout like block layout Rossen: The summary here is that the static pos of abspos elements parented to custom layout is the same as in CSS, based on the rectangle of that parent fantasai: Similar to flex/grid, not block fantasai: In block and layout they use the hypothetical position if they weren't positioned fantasai: For flex and grid, we don't try to calculate where it would have been, instead pretend you would have coincided with your entire parent RESOLVED: Abspos parented to custom layout elements have static pos computed similar to flex and grid children (static pos rect coincides with parent rect) Rossen: Next problem, you've computed static pos, that's great. You end up with a custom element that has position:relative dbaron: There's an easier piece we should resolve first fantasai: Proposal is that custom layout does not interrupt propagation of abspos dbaron: It doesn't change the rules for when something is an abspos containing block Rossen: The abspos is never exposed to the custom layout in any form iank: Other potential thing is about the behavior of the second child, in this case iank: You are thinking that child2 should get laid out with available size zero, and would still show up? iank: It's specced as not showing up iank: That might be something easier to resolve on RESOLVED: The rules for abspos containing blocks is not changed with the presence of custom layout. Rossen: Next is, if the containing block is custom layout fantasai: If you don't explicitly lay out a child the layout engine resolves its size and position to zero frremy: I'm fine with that, but it will not show up frremy: I think that's ok, but if I don't put return it, I don't want it in the layout frremy: Similar to display:contents or something frremy: If I don't want to include a particular element, implementing something like -webkit-line-clamp, I don't want them generating dbaron: If I were to try to think about how I wanted custom layout to deal with being an abspos containing block, I feel like I would want to two different options probably dbaron: Don't necessarily need both options in v1 dbaron: One of them would be: I want a custom layout, might be an abspos containing block, I want it to handle things I'm the abspos containing block for using the default rules dbaron: I don't want to handle those in my custom layout, just handle the in-flow contents dbaron: Other option: I also want to take over layout for the descendants I'm the abspos containing block for dbaron: and in that case, in many cases I'd want to get those sets of children separately dbaron: i.e. process the in flow ones first, then the abspos ones iank: I could imagine an API that is two additional callback functions, one where you're routing children, yes pass this to parent, no keep this one to myself iank: and an out of flow layout pass, which gives you the children you're a containing block for iank: and go ahead and apply whatever abspos rules you want frremy: That's useful for the grid polyfill frremy: If you set grid-column on them you still need to be able to place them in columns, even if they're abspos frremy: Doesn't have to be in the layout step, could be a separate step Rossen: Only problem I have with this, is if you select which children you want to handle, that goes against the resolution we just had before frremy: What does grid do? Rossen: The API proposed, here are the children going through, I want to keep certain ones ... unless we specify we're not even going to expose abspos to your children Rossen: because you really don't need to iank: I think it's a niche use case, a callback for routing Rossen: But that's a more advanced feature Rossen: So, current issue is, element with custom layout, it's also a containing block for abspos, there's a descendant abspos, and the custom layout does no layout. what happens to the rest of the children? Rossen: One of the assertions we should have here is that that child, at that level, is just a normal first level child, it has to be laid out Rossen: It shouldn't be any different from other ones Rossen: So if I have two children that are inside of this custom layout, one is an immediate child, one is a descendant, regardless how deep the descendant is, it's something I need to handle at the first level Rossen: If I can decline layout for a first level child, I should be able to do that for the abspos descendant too Rossen: Might be different for layout logic, that's your business Rossen: But the point is that I have a collection of children fragments that came up to me, if I decide to drop them all, I can Rossen: From that point of view I don't think we need anything specific to abspos, but we still need to be clear as to what the rules are iank: Yes, we can discuss that fantasai: The original issue, we've got an element whose static pos we need to find, static pos is not the custom layout in this particular case, because it's a child of a child of the custom layout fantasai: Custom layout is responsible for laying out the child, when it does, that box will determine the static pos of the grandchild fantasai: If the custom layout doesn't lay out that child, we still need to know where the static position is Rossen: We resolved that fantasai: We resolved that for a child of the custom layout, this is for a grandchild of the custom layout fantasai: It's different because if we don't run layout on the child of the custom layout, we don't know where it is fantasai: It's a regular in-flow child of the custom layout, inside that is the abspos fantasai: The abspos's position is dependent on the size/pos of child2 fantasai: We don't have answer for the size/pos of child2 Rossen: My point in the beginning is that the static pos of the abspos, is the origin Rossen: This is relative to its parent Rossen: If the parent doesn't compute to anything, it will be to the origin of its parent Rossen: At some point there is some ancestor where that origin is defined fantasai: We didn't resolve on that Rossen: This is how custom layout is defined to work, relative to parent fantasai: I know it's relative to parent dbaron: I think we need a definition of what happens if custom layout decides not to lay out something dbaron: In our engine, layout code can't not lay out something dbaron: I suspect other engines are probably similar dbaron: If you get laid out at (0, 0, 0, 0), whatever it is, it should be defined somewhere dbaron: Once we have that definition, it resolves this. [-- break 20 mins --] Scribe: fantasai (with heycam for fantasai) fantasai: Key question is what dbaron said, what do we do to fragments which are not laid out? frremy: A common use case for not laying out a child is when you want, e.g. lay out items until you run out of space and then have a continuation marker (like ...) frremy: you want to just stop laying out at that point frremy: Should try to address this in custom layout frremy: makes sense to not generate a box for items that aren't laid out frremy: rather than defaulting to (0,0,0,0) frremy: So prefer to define same as 'display: none' or define something else similar frremy: or throw an exception for now and figure it out later frremy: Don't think it's useful to create a box that's zero-sized, this isn't useful frremy: and not generating the box is sometimes useful Rossen: I think not showing things is useful myles: max-lines is similar Rossen: Should be able to not lay out. If we don't lay out anything, the question is would we absolute generate no fragment/box. Would we end up with an empty size and origin position? Rossen: We still have to answer questions like from the OM, what's the size/position Rossen: So what would make the most sense? frremy: Compromise would be to have a box at zero/zero, but it just doesn't paint iank: Agree that we should say it doesn't paint. iank: but what about the rest of the subtree? iank: Do we return zero for everything all the way down the subtree, or do we continue with layout? fantasai: For max-lines specifically, from an implementation perspective, I think it does make sense to lay everything out fantasai: That's a use case where you want to hide and show things dynamically, not having to re-layout would be useful fantasai: More generally I'm not sure fantasai: If you're not going to display the stuff fantasai: but you could display:none things you don't want to display Rossen: But this is a layout time decision eae: For max-lines it would be nice to not reflow things that aren't going to be displayed, unnecessary work koji: This could create next fragments, it's more about fragmentation, when the next fragment container is missing fantasai: You could make the same argument here fantasai: We will support fragmentation iank: It might be reasonable to say layout doesn't happen, and all CSSOM APIs return zero, getClientRects doesn't anything iank: Saying all this without impl experience, might change opinion based on experience iank: Everything returns zero, empty array for line boxes dbaron: I think this is a magical semi-displayed case dbaron: I'd rather have a layout and have the APIs return a consistent state iank: We could also define a consistent state dbaron: Sounds messy iank: I'm a little bit torn, agree with fremy that use cases for this are very valuable Rossen: Another lens to use for reasoning, how would you serialize your collection of children in the case that frremy gave? Rossen: e.g. for accessibility purposes Rossen: Would want accessibility tool to walk the same tree as what's visible Rossen: Would you synthesize things in the AT or what? iank: Not accessible to normal users, so shouldn't be accessible to AT iank: The way to make this decision would be, what should happen in the max-lines case? iank: Could also punt this for now, get impl experience iank: Our current behavior is that you need to return all the fragments. Otherwise we'll fall back to block layout Rossen: That's nice. Very predictable and verifiable iank: We should investigate, then reopen this issue. Rossen: In which case, this is an error iank: Yep Rossen: Fix your code. Make it work. heycam: I think it might be easy to accidentally lose your custom layout Rossen: Exactly heycam: Might be that you change your ordering in certain window sizes, and then it breaks fantasai: I think if you can't loop correctly over all the items in this list ... Rossen: You shouldn't be doing custom layout. iank: Grid iterates in a particular order frremy: But here you need to iterate in the right order Rossen: Sounds like for this level of where we are, this is a reasonable error case handling Rossen: It is simple, it's easy to describe, and should be easy to fix on the script side Rossen: With that, plus previous two resolutions, then we have a clear answer to what happens with abspos children Rossen: If we need to get more sophisticated later, we can Rossen: Implementation experience may suggest a better pattern frremy: Would need to feature detect somehow, whether the browser supports laying out all the boxes or not iank: Need to resolve on this, then: if you don't return all the fragments, we return an error and fall back to block layout iank: Falling back to block layout is what happens if the layout function throws an error iank: You can check by ... heycam: What about existing content, that falls back to block currently and throws an error, and then later it starts to drop content fantasai: Could fall back to content disappears? fantasai: But we don't like dropping content Rossen: We could fall back to 100em bright red... iank: Two ways to deal with that. iank: One is to use-count iank: Other, if that number is sufficiently high, we can add a layout option iank: It's a bit heavy handed iank: but we can use-count it to check ... philipwalton: Could put a note in the spec explaining what we're planning to do Rossen: This is simple, easy to spec, easy to explain, easy to see if you messed up. Can revisit later. It's a good solution. RESOLVED: Custom layout must return all fragments, otherwise return an error and fall back to block layout. Generator vs. Promise design for the API ---------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/750 iank: Did some benchmarking iank: The Promise solution is slightly slower, but not that much slower iank: That makes me lean towards Promises solution iank: Advantage of generator is that it's faster, don't have to kick the ? every time iank: there's some overhead for doing that iank: However, I think that's acceptable from an author expectation perspective iank: If it was 30-40% overhead, that might be a concern iank: but turned out to be not as much of a problem Rossen: What did you test? iank: Test was 100 custom layout elements iank: Went about 6 layers deep, and had two child nodes at each level and 4 leaf nodes iank: tree structure, roughly 100 nodes iank: used our perf testing framework iank: I did a synchronous version of the API, didn't have any generators, promises, etc. Just executed synchronously iank: That was about 650 runs per second iank: Our current impl was about 430 runs per second iank: so 50% off the synchronous one iank: Promises was 450 runs per second iank: Might be able to get it faster, push around 500 or something iank: We do lose a lot of performance by allowing async here iank: so something else to consider iank: One thing we could revisit later is, asynchronous layout engines iank: we could potentially get performance by exposing synchronous versions of layout APIs iank: so leave that door open iank: I'll need to do some work, spec wise, to get it so that an impl can run this synchronously iank: Still requires a queue to go through layout requests iank: Once I've got that written down, make sure it makes sense to everyone frremy: What if you await Promise that never returns? iank: When you call layoutNextFragment(), pushes a request onto an internal queue. If layout engine has exhausted that queue iank: It'll keep queuing its own tasks, flush that queue and check if resolved promise is done iank: If [missed] iank: Summary of the engine is, layoutnextfragment()), pushes onto internal queue for custom layout instance. Layout engine will enqueue a microtask. iank: Lay everything out and then queue itself again in case extra work iank: if it finishes, then... if promise is resolved, then done Rossen: So, resolution is to switch back to Promises Rossen: Any additional comments or objections? eae: Can we add a note about error-handling expectations? ACTION: iank to add note about error-handling expectations RESOLVED: Use Promises (and add note) Naming for percentageInlineSize / percentageBlockSize ----------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/437 fantasai: Could also do inlinePercentBasis / blockPercentBasis iank: This is what you resolve percentage sizes against Rossen: “percentResolutionBasis” is kindof what this is about Rossen: but that's kinda verbose frremy: Issue was that there was some confusion, wanted to make it less confusing iank: It's easy to guess what the other names are, wanted to keep this one consistent iank: e.g. availableInlineSize / availableBlockSize Rossen: inlinePercentBase / blockPercentBase Rossen: Let's close this no change Rossen: Get an option more people would be excited about RESOLVED: No change Intrinsic sizes and orthogonal children behaviour ------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/776 iank: I can say what I expect iank: I expect that Sizes is the intrinsic size contribution of that child in the parent's writing mode iank: Different engines will calculate it differently Rossen: That sounds overly vague for it to be any kind of definition in the spec fantasai: You're trying to say that the result of that should be the same thing that the layout engine uses for intrinsic size calculation fantasai: whether it's shrink to fit on [various things], intrinsic size keywords, ... fantasai: They should all return the same thing, which is the thing returned here, and just be clear about which axis we're grabbing from fantasai: I think we can put that in the spec, and is definite enough to not be vague fantasai: It's exactly what we're doing in the sizing spec in a number of cases: we don't define how to calculate the intrinsic size, but we require it's consistent across all the places we use it Rossen: I agree RESOLVED: Intrinsic size in orthogonal flows are taken according to the writing mode of the containing block, and intrinsic size calculations have to be consistent with all other places in CSS (per CSS Sizing). Typed OM ======== TabAtkins: No open issues to discuss, just a bunch of edits I need to make TabAtkins: Unless someone has an issue to discuss Chris: List of changes, DoC? TabAtkins: No fantasai: We should get TabAtkins's edits, publish a WD, issue a Last Call, wait a few weeks, and then go to CR TabAtkins: We have an implementation, one of our engineers is working on it. Rossen: Firefox? heycam: Not of Typed OM heycam: Q4 someone should start looking at it for Firefox fantasai: Is Blink shipping the implementation? eae: Yes dino: Does it have benefits? Is it faster? TabAtkins: Much faster for animations, e.g. shane: Performance numbers in the intent to ship tantek: You do that without it being in CR? tantek: Without anyone else implementing it? wow. shane: Depends on various factors, but yes. TabAtkins: Bunch of edits, but biggest task is filling in serialization of properties appendix TabAtkins: And that's easy for someone else to work on Rossen: frremy ? frremy: Sure. RESOLVED: Add frremy as co-editor on css-typed-om, move nainar to former editor Custom Paint ============ fantasai: Wasn't Paint supposed to be a CR? [people can't remember what's going on] [WD was published: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2018Apr/0036.html ] fantasai: Are there any open issues on the spec? iank: One open issue. fantasai: Then let's close it and go to CR. Optional arguments in paint functions ------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/763 TabAtkins: Somebody wants optional arguments in paint functions TabAtkins: It's a very reasonable request TabAtkins: However, this falls under the more general issue of optional bits of syntax in custom properties TabAtkins: which is currently not allowed because of issues around parsing ambiguity TabAtkins: So we need disambiguation support first florian: Is this a hard problem, or we need to solve it but haven't yet? TabAtkins: latter TabAtkins: Definitely not impossible TabAtkins: Support for more syntax-y things is slated for L2 fantasai: So proposal is close deferred to next level? TabAtkins: That's what I would like Rossen: Any other opinions? RESOLVED: Deferred to L2 Publication ----------- fantasai: Is there anything else is needed for the spec? iank: No TabAtkins: TypedOM has changed how it handles image values TabAtkins: which might affect this, but it's not affecting this spec Rossen: Any objections to taking Paint API to CR? Rossen: No? Resolved. RESOLVED: Custom Paint to CR Chris: DoC? Changes List? <dbaron> there were 3 or 4 edits since the last TR version <dbaron> https://hg.css-houdini.org/drafts/rev/3a0546211ec0 https://hg.css-houdini.org/drafts/rev/61ae417ae9ee https://hg.css-houdini.org/drafts/rev/acb3d3f259ce [discussion of administrative stuff to get to CR] fantasai: I can help IanK make the DoC and stuff CSS Animation Worklets ====================== TabAtkins: Nobody is here. Let's skip ACTION: iank to move spec to houdini repo Implementation ============== Rossen: Demos and then lunch? Rossen: Or pressure IanK to do edits shane: We could spend the afternoon on getting the specs to CR. RESOLVED: IanK, shane, Tab, fantasai, and ChrisL to stay the afternoon and get specs to CR. dino: Other browser implementations of custom layout / paint / etc? Rossen: Custom layout only in Blink iank: Experimental. Going smoothly, might do an origin trial later this year iank: If authors like it, don't find any issues, will push for CR. heycam: We won't be looking at custom paint or layout this year. Pushed to next year dino: So everything we've discussed today is only implemented in Blink, nobody else. That's scary. iank: Paint API is simple to implement. dino: Worklet is tricky ChrisL: You need worklets for Web audio anyway dino: It's all new to us dbaron: For us the big obstacle might be TypedOM dbaron: Feels like biggest dependency of custom paint iank: You can do a stripped down version of Typed OM, which everything returns CSS style values, and upgrade up iank: People can feature-detect that. dbaron: I think that would be fine if we were shipping before you, that'd be fine dbaron: But if shipping 6mo to 1yr later, then we need to implement the same featureset you have, otherwise won't work dbaron: One question is whether there should be an alternative in the API that doesn't use typed OM fantasai: If you're going to do that, why not just use what iank said iank: Polyfill we've got out at the moment, doesn't use a whole bunch of typedOM stuff iank: If you just ship the style value part, should still work dino: How many WPT do you have? iank: Quite a few iank: For layout 80-100, more like 150 by the time we're done iank: paint API has 65 atm iank: Has a lot grouped in together into one test iank: Unsure about typed OM... iank: It's got like 4000 [discussion of tests] Rossen: WebKit? dino: We'd probably do it in order. dino: Clearly we need TypedOM for paint, and also will give a lot of immediate improvements for developers dino: Other things, unsure how we'll prioritize dino: You see articles about people saying how cool Houdini is, but not so many people giving loud feedback about how they need this particular feature dino: Hard to gauge what people want more than anything else dino: Dunno how we'd prioritize, other than TypedOM coming first Rossen: We're in the same boat Rossen: It's going to be a sprint or two for us to put things together Rossen: Google spent significant time and resources getting to where they are iank: Main cycles for us were typed OM and worklet infrastructure iank: Paint stuff was relatively trivial iank: Layout stuff isn't particularly difficult once you've got the rest of the infrastructure. iank: Reason worklet took so long is because we were waiting for ES6 modules to land iank: So we had working in a few months, but took awhile to get up to spec compliance iank: If we didn't have the ES6 dependency, would've been a lot faster iank: Paint was just a quarter Rossen: Paint seems easiest once you have the infrastructure iank: Typed OM was biggest engineering investment iank: Paint and layout are trivial after that florian: TypedOM was difficult because big, or because churn? shane: Both shane: We spent a lot of time adjusting spec and implementation in response to feedback, which others won't have to do Rossen: So, I think summary of implementation status is blink has quite a bit ready to go, Firefox has started on some of the properties and values, logical next one would be typedOM Rossen: WebKit and Edge have not started philipwalton: From developer feedback perspective, I don't hear people asking for typedOM, I hear a lot of requests for paint to animations, and lot for custom properties support dino: I would've assumed that what people want nowadays is custom layout dino: They write their react code, and want to do everything themselves. philipwalton: That was my perspective, but some developers want that, not everyone. philipwalton: You can't polyfill layout, but you can fallback nicely for paint stuff philipwalton: So that's what developers want now philipwalton: The things they can do now, they want to do florian: Also, these things can be easy enough that individual developers to do it florian: But layout is harder, so more likely waiting for a library to be developed; fewer individual users leaverou: My impression is also what Philip said. Primary concern devs have is transitioning and animating custom properties, not just via properties and values API leaverou: I've presented this API at several talks leaverou: The most common question I get is, why do we have to use JS for this? Why can't we have it in an @rule? florian: Type declarations, you mean? leaverou: Yeah frremy: Greg and I have been talking with devs. They're mostly unhappy about perf and not having proper APIs for things they want to do, not trudging through bad APIs ... Rossen: When you compare teams with highly-skilled devs on products, they will put anything they want, write their own middle layer if they need Rossen: Some person supporting small website, won't be writing custom layout iank: A bunch of things Material Design team wants to do, are easy in paint API, very difficult without it Rossen: OK. Anything else to discuss for houdini? dino: Are we meeting at TPAC? dino: Also why do we consider separating the groups because ppl are in both of them? TabAtkins: Not exactly true florian: ... split tracks TabAtkins: Yes, should meet at TPAC Rossen: I have room for Thursday, we have dedicated florian: So effectively 3 days for CSSWG at TPAC fantasai: The way we have scheduled this year is super uneven fantasai: Expect a lot of topics on the agenda for CSSWG at TPAC [Meeting closed]
Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2018 22:08:02 UTC