- From: Alan Stearns <stearns@adobe.com>
- Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2015 01:19:45 +0000
- To: Shane Stephens <shans@google.com>, "public-houdini@w3.org" <public-houdini@w3.org>
On 8/9/15, 6:05 PM, "Shane Stephens" <shans@google.com> wrote: >(2) Numbers > > >Number properties like z-index or opacity should have a very simple wrapping: > > >interface NumberValue : StyleValue { > double value; >} > > >An open question: where and when does validation happen? What happens if I try to set an out-of-range number to opacity? Will this be consistent across all properties? > > >(3) Lengths > > >Usually, lengths are simple single-unit values (e.g. 50px or 30em). However, it is possible for calc values to be used instead. Numbers and integers can use calc() as well, which will be important for the SpecifiedStylePropertyMap. > > >Ideally, I'd like to either start incorporating some of this stuff in the CSS Properties and Values specification, or alternatively begin a new ED (CSSOM Level 2?) WDYT? Did we decide on whether this would be a separate spec? I’m using this deprecated email thing because I’m not sure if I should raise an issue on props and values, or wait for a new CSSOM draft to appear. Thanks, Alan
Received on Sunday, 6 September 2015 01:20:16 UTC