from February 2017 by thread

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-paint-api] Consider different error in step 2 of registerPaint() Ian Kilpatrick via GitHub (Wednesday, 22 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-paint-api] Add example which uses ES5 class syntax. Ian Kilpatrick via GitHub (Wednesday, 22 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-properties-values-api] Registering a property should cause us to validate var() fallback Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Tuesday, 14 February)

Closed: [css-houdini-drafts] [css-properties-values-api] Substituting registered properties with var() Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Tuesday, 14 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om] Will need to handle min()/max() Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Friday, 10 February)

Re: [css-houdini-drafts] One repo per draft? Anne van Kesteren via GitHub (Tuesday, 7 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om-1] Interfaces with value iterators need additional attributes and operations Raphael Kubo da Costa via GitHub (Monday, 6 February)

Re: [css-houdini-drafts] [typed-om] Shorter dimension constructors on the CSS namespace? Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Saturday, 4 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om] Add a superclass for all the dimensions Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Saturday, 4 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om] Lengths and Angles (and other unit-group objects) should have consistent structure Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

Closed: [css-houdini-drafts] Global CSS Mixins Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

Re: [css-houdini-drafts] Global CSS Mixins Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

Closed: [css-houdini-drafts] One repo per draft? Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om] Should talk about 'declared' CSS values rather than 'specified' shans via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om] Setting/registering is allowed to be order-dependent Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om] Add .update() to styleMap Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om] Move DOMMatrixReadOnly out of CSSTransformComponent to CSSMatrixComponent (and make mutable) shans via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-typed-om] Make all the value objects mutable Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

[css-houdini-drafts] [all] Move Houdini APIs to `window.CSS` Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub (Friday, 3 February)

Re: [css-houdini-drafts] [css-properties-values-api] Substituting registered properties with var() Jonathan Chan via GitHub (Wednesday, 1 February)

Last message date: Wednesday, 22 February 2017 14:25:03 UTC