Formal definition of the CG and breakout session

Dear all,

I’m sending this email as a follow-up to the great conversation we had weeks ago, with the objective to start clarifying the objectives, scope and expected timeline of the CG. Based on the conversations we had in January, I’ve created a document [1] that summarizes my thoughts on the potential objectives of the group, trying to converge all the inputs from the early conversations into concrete scope and targets.

It is not written in stone, so the idea is to update it accommodating all the ideas from the participants. I would like to present these ideas and others you suggest to the community and related groups during the upcoming Breakout Sessions Day on March 26th for broader feedback and refinement of the concrete details for chapter of the CG. So, please feel free to comment and offer your points of view on these early descriptions. I would like to use that content for the context of the breakout session. Feel free to open issues with your comments in the repository [1] or just reply the email.

In the meantime we need to think if scheduling some meetings for clarifying the details, also if we prefer an alternative more-synchronous communication channel (e.g., WeChat, Slack, etc.).

Thanks for your participation.

Best regards,



Martin Alvarez-Espinar
European Research Institute
Huawei Technologies R&D Belgium NV
Philipssite, 5. 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
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Received on Thursday, 6 March 2025 08:52:19 UTC