- From: Ratnesh Sahay <ratnesh.sahay@insight-centre.org>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 15:24:44 +0000
- To: semantic-web@w3.org, public-hclscg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAJjJVaO_SiMh9aQaSYZ9MNjE1ttG1prSBV1aB6QdxM1v_3XwHg@mail.gmail.com>
Dear All, I am working in the healthcare and life science (HCLS) domain from last 15 years, and out of which almost 12 years in the intersection of Semantic Web/Linked Data + HCLS domain. During these 12 years, one question I was repetitively getting from collaborating partners (hospitals, clinic, pharma): Why should we convert all the existing/legacy data models/sources (RDB, XML) to one single data model (RDF) ? I never had a clear answer to this, but I managed to explain them various benefits of the famous layer cake. I continued building tools, ontologies, and applications for various HCLS scenarios. For example, 5 years back, we build a SPARQL query federation engine [1] that federated queries over three clinical locations in EU. In total three years of project [1], a significant effort has been invested in building RDF stores from raw datasets. Eventually, it become difficult to maintain & update the raw databases together with RDF stores. We recently built a SPARQL engine that federated over multiple data models "One Size Does Not Fit All: Querying Web Polystores [2]". One immediate benefit is not to face the same question: “Why everything in a single data model” ? Please note, I am not discouraging RDF, but exploring various ways where native data stores (RDB, RDF, NoSQL, CSV, etc.) can be exploited directly without replicating them in different formats. I thought to share some of my past experiences and inform about our recent work [2]. PS: I recently moved from Insight (Previously DERI, Galway) to AstraZeneca, in Cambridge (UK). [1] http://rdcu.be/oXpB [2] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8615997 Best, Ratnesh www.ratneshsahay.org
Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 15:25:18 UTC