Re: PDDI Min Info Model Task Force - survey results - please VOTE by 10/4

I have never heard of "ORCA: OpeRational ClassificAtion of Drug
Interactions". Did we discuss that on any call?

If I haven't heard of it--and I worked in this field as a clinician
for a while--I doubt that I would want to include that in a proposal.
The vote doesn't give us an option for one and two.

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 6:03 AM Boyce, Richard David <> wrote:
> Dear PDDI Task Force,
> We have compiled all results from the Qualtrics survey on options to represent seriousness/severity concepts in the min info model. Many thanks to all who participated! Attached please find a powerpoint that provides a summary of the results. The attached PDF has detailed results including all comments.
> The second to last slide in the powerpoint has a proposal that I think makes sense based on the submitted opinions and comments. I have created a poll (one question) so that everyone can register their anonymous vote on the proposal. Please complete the poll within the next 6 days (by 10/4).
> If a majority agrees with the proposal then we will  make the change to the W3C Community Group Note and then move for final approval to publish. Otherwise, will send out a doodle for a call to discuss other options.
> --
> kind regards,
> -Rich
> --
> Richard D Boyce, PhD
> Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Clinical and Translational Science in the Clinical and Translational
> Science Institute
> Director of the Informatics Core for the Center of Excellence for Natural Product- Drug Interaction Research (NaPDI)
> Faculty, Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing
> Faculty, Geriatric Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Gero-Informatics Research and Training Program
> University of Pittsburgh
> Office: 412-648-9219
> Twitter: @bhaapgh

Received on Friday, 28 September 2018 13:12:41 UTC