Maintenance Release of Virtuoso 8

Hello --

We are pleased to announce the latest update of Virtuoso, our 
modern multi-model relational database management and conceptual 
data virtualization platform. 

For many years, Virtuoso has provided a secure, cross-platform, 
high-performance, massively-scalable, and cost-effective solution 
for cognitive data management, data integration, and deployment 
of public or private semantic webs of linked data (i.e., conceptual 
entity relationship graphs over disparate data sources constructed 
from hyperlinks).

Maintenance Release 8.1, focused primarily on bug fixes and 
secondarily on interface tweaks to aid better understanding of 
existing functionality, builds on Virtuoso 8.0’s key innovations 
aimed at the natural fusion of artificial intelligence with data 
diversity, with particular focus on Digital Transformation to 
leverage Data Analytics, Data Virtualization, Data Flow, and 
Sophisticated Data Security.

= Bug Fixes in Virtuoso 8.1 =

== Core Engine ==

* Memory optimization resulting in significant reduction in 
 memory use without compromising performance

* A number of SPARQL compiler fixes for queries that had been 
 leading to errors, crashes, and incorrect results

* Restriction of RDF Graph replication publications graphs, 
 i.e., no inclusion of private graphs

== Administration (via Conductor) ==

* Wizard generation of R2RML mappings that use URI templates 
 consistent with generated URL rewrite rules for Linked Data 

== Client Connectivity ==

* JDBC Driver fix for insertion of wide (Korean) character in 
 SPARQL queries

= Interface Tweaks in Virtuoso 8.1 =

* RDF View and Mapping lists are part of the default SPARQL 
 Query Services endpoint UI

* Macro Library lists exposing Custom Inference Rules as part 
 are partof the default SPARQL Query Services endpoint UI

* Dynamic change-sensitive documents that also function as 
 virtual documents in Virtuoso’s WebDAV-based file system 
 may be created from SPARQL Queries

* Clarified support for mounting third-party Linked Data 
 Platform (LDP) folders which may then be made available 
 to WebDAV and HTTP clients interacting with Virtuoso’s 
 HTTP Server

= Availability =

The shrink-wrapped Enterprise Edition of Virtuoso 8.1 is available 
now for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Builds for other Unix-like OS 
are available on request.

= Special Offers =

To encourage exploration and exploitation of these remarkable new 
features, OpenLink is offering a number of special and upgradeable 
licensing deals on Virtuoso 8.x.

* Our Personal-scale license brings most enterprise-grade features 
 to the desktop, fitting an individual’s budget and without 
 requiring enterprise-grade administration or training.

* Several Developer-scale licenses enable cost-effective learning 
 and experimentation, priced from $99 to $999, depending on the 
 features you choose to explore.

* Extra-special, limited-time offers on Deployment-scale licenses 
 bring the full power and benefit of the new Release to any 
 enterprise, at unimaginably-low price levels.

= Related =

* Special and upgradeable licensing deals on Virtuoso 8.x --

* Custom Inference & Reasoning, using Virtuoso 8.x --

* Magic Sets and Custom Reasoning & Inference Rules --

* Verifiable Identity at Web-Scale, using Virtuoso --

* Power of extending SQL via SPARQL, using Virtuoso --

* Conceptual Data Virtualizaton using Open Standards — blog post 
 detailing Virtuoso’s powerful Relational Data Virtualization 
 functionality --

* Generate Relational Tables to RDF Relational Graphs mappings  using 
 Virtuoso’s RDF Views Wizard --

* Using a Semantic Web of Linked Data to Enhance ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, 
 & OLE DB Data Sources --

* About Virtuoso --

* About OpenLink ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB Data Access 
 Drivers --

* About OpenLink Software --

Please enjoy!

Everyone at OpenLink Software

A: Yes.                
| Q: Are you sure?           
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
Senior Support & Evangelism  //
OpenLink Software, Inc.      //    
        20 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 322, Burlington MA 01803
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Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:36:01 UTC