PDDI Min Info Model Task Force - minutes and next steps from 6/21 call

Dear Task Force Colleagues,

I think yesterday's meeting was productive.  As a result of our 
discussion, we were able to close a number of editing issues summarized 
on Github (https://github.com/w3c/hcls-drug-drug-interaction/issues/11). 
We also clarified a couple of remaining issues to address. Specifically:

- improving the information models approach to conveying the clinical 
importance / priority of the PDDI

- clarifying concept/value sets for readers and pointing to relevant 

- clarifying what is meant by 'observation' in Figure 1

I have marked where these issues exist in the new version of the 
document posted publicly here. Sections with issues show up with a red 
background. There is an issue summary TOC in the first appendix. :


My team here at Pitt will work on a questionnaire for the whole task 
force with some related information that will help us arrive at an 
agreeable solution for conveying clinical importance. Thanks to everyone 
for your comments and suggestions which I will keep anonymous but 
organize and present in the questionnaire. Please expect a follow up 
email after July 4th on this topic. The other issues will be addressed 

kind regards,

Received on Friday, 22 June 2018 21:28:22 UTC