Tomorrow's DSE TC

Its seem at least 2 can not make today's call, and it's possible there may be others. I propose we postpone this call until next week, but I would like if choose another method for determining time, since collecting constraints from everyone is not efficient (no common knowledge of best times for everyone). 

W3C has a practice of having everyone submit a list of days/times to the group as a whole. This way we all see the relative options that would best work.

My times for next week are:

Mon - All day until 2pm EdT

Tues - 9am-12 EDT

Wed - 7-9am EDT, rest unavailable

Thurs - only after 2pm EDT

Fri  - 9-10am and 11-1pm EDT

Please send your responses in a similar format to the group...


Received on Friday, 27 October 2006 12:25:37 UTC