[COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon, Tues., Sept,30 11:00am -12:00pm US EDT

Reminder for Telecon tomorrow, plus call-in information and agenda:




 Phone   +1 617 761 6200, conference 24668 ("BIONT")

 IRC     irc://irc.w3.org:6665/hcls


 Browser-based IRC client:



 http://ircatwork.com <http://ircatwork.com/>  <http://ircatwork.com/> ,

 Server: irc.w3.org:6665

 Channel: #hcls



 1. Roll Call

 2. Status Update: Command Line version of end to end Demo 

 3. Develop User Interface Screens for the Demo

 4. Audience for Demo

 5. Timelines for Demo

 6. Frequency of future COI telecons

 7. Other items


Please let me know if you need to add anything else to the agenda. I
look forward to our talk.






Rachel Richesson, PhD, MPH
Informaticist and Assistant Professor
Pediatrics Epidemiology Center
USF College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
3650 Spectrum Blvd., Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33612
Office: (813) 396-9522
Fax: (813) 396-9601 or (813) 910-5922
Email: richesrl@epi.usf.edu


Received on Monday, 29 September 2008 13:52:06 UTC