RE: An argument for bridging information models and ontologies at the syntactic level

> The main point of emphasis for me is
> that a separation of concerns is maintained so you aren't modeling
> relations such as hasCode, for instance, in OWL.  Jim's point 
> about this
> being a basic tenant of Engineering principles is absolutely 
> correct.  

This is a critical separation of concerns that I believe is not well understood
and practiced.

For instance I would distinguish between information models/ontologies that seek
to capture the
semantics of the information; as opposed to implementation/data models that seek
to capture the structure
and storage of the data in the context of an application using a particular

In general people end up modeling data structures using OWL/RDF which is not
what they were intended for
in the first place.


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Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2008 18:54:41 UTC