Re: [COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability, March 4th, 2008, 11:00am - 12:00pm EST


I am very sorry but I definitely cannot join because I am travelling on 
that very day.
....and during the trip I will have no internet or phone connection at 
all: Sorry again about that!

Since you have CCed Cristian in your reply to my mail he can see what 
he/we should focus on.
....and before the telco I will discuss the specific COI issues with 
Cristian also.


Kashyap, Vipul wrote:
> Holger,
> Is there a way you can dial in from Germany for the telcon for an hour?
> I believe Germany has a local dialin number for W3C telcons.
> I think we should definitely have the following two presentations:
> 1. The representation of the diabetes patient using the ACG ontology.
> 2. A brief discussion on the ACG ontology.
> BTW, In the last telcon, we have decided to scope the eligibility criteria
> problem to the following:
> - Laboratory Results
> - Medications
> - Vital Signs
> - Physical Exam
> It will be great if Cristin can focus on these aspects in the ontology
> presentation
> and explain the re-use of CDISC/SDTM. We will be moving towards an
> implementation
> soon and one of the topics is to develop a good "common" patient ontology as a
> first step
> and map it to HL7/RIM and CDISC/SDTM.
> Cheers,
> ---Vipul
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Holger Stenzhorn [] 
>> Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 3:24 PM
>> To: Kashyap, Vipul
>> Cc:; Cristian Cocos
>> Subject: Re: [COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability, 
>> March 4th, 2008, 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
>> Hi,
>> As mentioned before, I will not be able again to join this 
>> week's telco: 
>> I am deeply sorry about that and will be back next week!
>> But last week, while back in Germany, I discussed some more 
>> the design 
>> (issues) of the ACGT ontology with Cristian Cocos:
>> He is happy to give a brief presentation about the ontology and the 
>> principles behind it during next week's telco. Is that ok for you?
>> Cheers,
>> Holger
>> Kashyap, Vipul wrote:
>>> Phone   +1 617 761 6200, conference 24668 ("BIONT")    
>>> IRC     irc://     
>>> Browser-based IRC client:
>>> _,
>>> OR
>>> _http://ircatwork.com_ <>,
>>> Server:
>>> Channel: #hcls 
>>>  Agenda: 
>>> 1. Roll Call
>>> 2. Status Update on RDF Representations of Patient Data
>>> (A) RDF Representation based on BFO/Realist Approach: Holger, Bo, 
>>> Kerstin and Alan 
>>> 3. Discussion with Mayo Clinic on using BRIDG model: Jyoti     
>>> 4. Next Steps
>>> (A) Scope of Prototype on Labs, Medications, Vital Signs 
>> and Physical Exam
>>> (B) Develop Common Ontology, Discuss approach for 
>> vocabulary mappings
>>> (C) Clinical Data Logistics: Parsa Mirhaji
>>> (D) Discuss Steps for POC Prototyping  
>>> Please let me know if you want to add anything to the agenda.
>>> Cheers,
>>> ---Vipul
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>>> for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may 
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Received on Monday, 3 March 2008 06:47:31 UTC