RE: SDTM mapping Pt1 data - [COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability

There have been several pointers on our threads to good works on Eligibility
Criteria and rule representation that should be reviewed. Additionally, both
Vipul's requirements documents and my early work on the use case clearly show
that Eligibility Criteria fall into several vocabulary domains (medications,
diagnoses, procedures, etc.) Perhaps, to simplify this project for demonstration
purposes, we could consider using these domains + vocabulary, and not a formal
information model, for the Eligibility Criteria?
[VK] I think we are using different terms to talk about the same thing...?
Medications, Diagnoses, Procedures, etc. in my mind are a description of paitent

The following have been uploaded to the COI Wiki:
Collection of Lab Observation Models:
Collection of Medication Models:
Collection of Models for Signs, Symptoms and Diagnoses:
Collection of Models for Physical Examination:

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Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2008 15:53:02 UTC