Re: Multi-layered Knowledge Representations for Healthcare

Hi Dan,

Actually, this list might be too long!

Many of these break down on utility, at least on "easy to define and 


Kashyap, Vipul wrote:

>     Physical vrs Informational
>     Natural vrs Artificial
>     Real vrs Imaginary
>     Composite vrs Characteristic
>     Individual vrs Collective
>     Atomic vrs Mediating
>     Specific vrs Indefinite
>     Continuant vrs Occurrent
> Not many discriminants can be found which are simultaneously 
> orthogonal (independent of one another) and general (can be applied to 
> anything) and useful (easy to clearly define and decide).   The 
> listing above may in fact be nearly complete (although many would 
> debate its specifics or suggest other candidates).
> Regardless of the particulars, I suggest that a better semantic model 
> for your "layer 0" would be all and only those discriminants which 
> have all three qualities - independence, generality, and utility - and 
> hence can be employed to help define any class or instance desired.
> [VK] Thanks, Dan! This is a very good guideline and framework to work 
> from.
> Cheers,
> ---Vipul 
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