Hi Dan,
Actually, this list might be too long!
Many of these break down on utility, at least on "easy to define and
Kashyap, Vipul wrote:
> Physical vrs Informational
> Natural vrs Artificial
> Real vrs Imaginary
> Composite vrs Characteristic
> Individual vrs Collective
> Atomic vrs Mediating
> Specific vrs Indefinite
> Continuant vrs Occurrent
> Not many discriminants can be found which are simultaneously
> orthogonal (independent of one another) and general (can be applied to
> anything) and useful (easy to clearly define and decide). The
> listing above may in fact be nearly complete (although many would
> debate its specifics or suggest other candidates).
> Regardless of the particulars, I suggest that a better semantic model
> for your "layer 0" would be all and only those discriminants which
> have all three qualities - independence, generality, and utility - and
> hence can be employed to help define any class or instance desired.
> [VK] Thanks, Dan! This is a very good guideline and framework to work
> from.
> Cheers,
> ---Vipul
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