HBSS status

Hi members of the group,

I recently joined the working group for Hardware based secure services.
The reason why I address to this group is because we have been working on a Device
API Platform, especially focused for smart cards and ID tokens. I  would be pleased to cooperate and to refine what we have already with the knowledge coming from this expert group. As we were lacking a standard interface to communicate with device hardware, we were started to make our custom interface. In my opinion we need to strive for this standard, by contribution and participating to the working group.

Is there a status available, I only notices the last post of august 2016?

Thank you in advance,
Best regards,

[T 1 TEAM]<http://www.trust1team.com/>

Michallis Pashidis  | CTO
TRUST 1 TEAM | Nieuwebosstraat 5, Gent , Belgium 9000
Mob: +32 478 404 976
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Received on Wednesday, 28 June 2017 10:55:35 UTC