GRDDL implementors: adding RDFa to XHTML namespace document (#issue-html-nsdoc)

As part of advancing RDFa to PR/REC, the XHTML namespace document
is being updated with a namespaceTransformation pointer
to an RDFa-to-RDF/XML transformation.

So any GRDDL implementation that has a "never fetch it; there are
no GRDDL transformations there, so don't even look" policy
about needs an update.

for reference;
CLOSED in 2007-01-24 discussion resulting in:


Some namespace documents, such as the XHTML namespace document have very many references to them. If
GRDDL-aware agents were to retrieve these documents every time they
processed a document referring to them, the origin servers of those
documents could become overloaded. GRDDL-aware agents therefore should
not retrieve such documents on every reference and should retain some
cache or local memory of the transformations those documents indicate
should be applied. To avoid misrepresentation of published information,
GRDDL-aware agents should ensure that this local memory is up to date
and should support user options to configure or disable the cache.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 9 October 2008 21:35:15 UTC