On Sat, 2008-05-10 at 00:39 +0100, Bijan Parsia wrote:
> 3) When you have a normative spec for a transformation function (as  
> OWL does), adding an XSLT sets up a 'second variant' of the spec (as  
> well as being a blessed implementation) and one that gets directly  
> used in spite of it being nominally informative. This is a violation  
> of DRY (don't repeat yourself) and divides attention from verifying  
> the actual spec (e.g., with multiple implementations). Worse, bugs in  
> the program become part of the de facto spec.

That's a reasonable argument for not using GRDDL to relate
OWL 2 to RDF/XML. If the OWL 2 WG doesn't think that it can manage
a reference implementation of the transformation in XSLT*,
then it shouldn't use GRDDL.

* or maybe XQuery, though it's hard to imagine the difference
between XSLT and XQuery making or breaking the case.

> I feel fine in asking a W3C wg to provide a specification *for the  
> transformation function*, but it should not be the presumption that  
> saying "Support GRDDL" means providing an implementation.

Presumption? It's a straightforward reading of the GRDDL spec, no?

"Developers of transformations should make available representations in
widely-supported formats. XSLT version 1[XSLT1] is the format most
widely supported by GRDDL-aware agents as of this writing ... ."

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 12 May 2008 19:55:55 UTC