Re: GRDDL WG Meeting this Wed: GRDDL Deployment opportunities.

Danny Ayers wrote:
>> 1) DanBri is interested in MusicBrainz,
>> 2) there's work Bruce D'Arcus is interested in OpenDoc (ODF)
>> 3) I think as regards Atom it might be useful to get Henry 
>> Story and Kanzaki talking the same vocabulary - i.e. use 
>> Kanzaki's XSLT to map to Atom/OWL and do owl:sameAs with 
>> relevant bits of RSS 1.0.
> owl:sameAs seems a bit of a blunt instrument, but pragmatically it might
> make sense to ignore Atom's peculiar approach to IDs..?
>> 4) WSDL->WSDL RDF is a low-lying fruit.
> I read that as low-flying fruit :-)
>> What do peopel prefer?
>> Inviting some of them to a GRDDL  telecon and usign that time 
>> to talk over issues and provide impetus would  be a good 
>> idea, and the SWCG approves.
> Sounds good, assuming the individuals concerned are up for it.
>> SWEO has asked for some "real world" uses of GRDDL, so let's 
>> press and get some done!
> In the pipeline I've also got metalink XML (mostly used for p2p/file
> sharing, see and APML ("attention profiling...",
> see Ant Bryan of Metalinker has been very positive
> and helpful re. deployment, already got a provisional profile in place.
> I've only just started talking to the APML folks, but get the impression
> they wouldn't be averse to having the necessary included in their
> namespace doc assuming someone's willing to provide the markup/XSLT on a
> plate (their format isn't yet stable, I suspect it could be a lot more
> linky).
Metalink sounds like a great opportunity, definitely keep us updated on
progress. This might be a good example for SWCG...

> Cheers,
> Danny.


Harry Halpin,  University of Edinburgh 6B522426

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 14:17:57 UTC