Re: XSLT for RDFa - license terms?

Thank you, this addresses my needs.


Fabien Gandon wrote:
> Jeremy,
> We are moving all our software to Cecill-C license [1] which is a 
> "non-viral open source free software license".
> This should be done by  next month and includes the RDFa transform.
> Cheers,
> [1]
> Jeremy Carroll a écrit :
>> Hi Fabien
>> what are the license terms for your RDFa transform?
>> I've had a request to include explicit RDFa support within Jena 
>> (whether or not the GRDDL profile is included), and plan to do so by 
>> having an option on the Jena GRDDL Reader to use your transform.
>> The Jena team tries to be fairly clear what the license terms of 3rd 
>> party software that we interact with are. [Non-viral open source 
>> licenses are our preferred 3rd party licenses: we make case-by-case 
>> decisions on other licenses]
>> Jeremy
>> PS It might make sense to include it in the GRDDL library, which is 
>> licensed under the W3C software license. However, we would need to 
>> work out maintenance, since, as far as I understand, RDFa is not yet 
>> stable.

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