Re: Dave Beckett's comment concerning base-uri

Chimezie Ogbuji wrote:

>> Our examples 
>> should demonstrate this.
> The one example he mentions explicitly seems to already demonstrate some of this:
> <!-- uri of the current XHTML page -->
> <xsl:param name="this" select="//*/@xml:base[position()=1]"/>

That particular code illustrates at least two misunderstandings.
I think it may be pertinent to extend the library with code to correctly 
set xml:base and xml:lang.

Issues with the above code include:
a) on an XHTML doc, the base is set by html:base element not xml:base.
b) if the xml:base is relative rather than absolute then whether to take 
it into account or not depends on whether it occurs on the root element 
or not. (Since any xml:base on the root element will be taken into 
account by the GRDDL aware agent, and should be ignored by the transform).

I am considering refactoring the library to have a separate module, say,
which provides a named template that can be called to extract 
appropriate xml:base and xml:lang attributes for the current node.

Then a stylesheet author, for GRDDL, could be encouraged to use this 
named template to fill in base and lang attributes, that can then be 
explicitly over-written when appropriate (e.g. if lang information is 
present in the XML source document by means other than xml:lang, e.g. as 
in some RSS documents)


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Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2007 14:16:16 UTC