Re: GRDDL Going to PR: Review from HTML WG?

On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 17:03 -0400, Harry Halpin wrote:
> In which case, I hereby give you permission to delete that sentence and
> forward the e-mail to the WG.

I salted to taste considerably, resulting in...

let's keep metadata profiles (head/@profile) in HTML for use in GRDDL
etc. Dan Connolly (Monday, 9 July)

I updated the PR request to point to it, and added a changelog
while I was at it:
Revision 1.23  2007/07/09 22:10:04

My message to the HTML WG is actually not a request for comments
on GRDDL but a suggestion for the HTML 5 spec. So I changed
the wording around the link slightly.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 9 July 2007 22:19:25 UTC