
Hi Harry,

I had a closer look at
the instructions and felt that the cr-request need tidying up.

I added a ToC for a transition request as specified in
specifically as exemplified by
I then tidied up the document to fit.

The relevance is that the ToC is used as an agenda for the transition 

I've also added in the latest stuff from the comments list, and changed 
pub date from May 1st to May 2nd, since we've been told that May 1st is 
not possible.

There is one outstanding @@ concerning link to the primer for RDFa material.
I've resolved the other @@'s to my satisfaction, and believe this is
now ready to send (with the primer link done). If I have not heard back 
from you before I go to bed tonight, I will do it.

Probably best to read it through, I may have introduced some errors.

Parts required from the ToC that were absence include:
- changes
- patents


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Received on Thursday, 26 April 2007 15:55:29 UTC