mechanical rules

I took an action to suggest text on mechanical rules:

Suggested new text about mechanical rules:
These are included for those readers who find them helpful.
Other readers are encouraged to ignore them.

Old version of html:
<p>The formal specification of this markup is given below. <em>An
informative mechanical version of each rule is given with the premise
and the conclusion written as SPARQL graph patterns<a
href="#SPARQL">[SPARQL]</a>. See the <a href="spec_rules">Mechanical
Rules</a> appendix for namespace prefix bindings and further

Suggested new version:

<p>The formal specification of this markup is given below. <em>An
informative mechanical version of each rule is given with the premise
and the conclusion written as SPARQL graph patterns<a
href="#SPARQL">[SPARQL]</a>. See the <a href="spec_rules">Mechanical
Rules</a> appendix for namespace prefix bindings and further
These are included for those readers who find them helpful.
Other readers are encouraged to ignore them.
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Received on Monday, 23 April 2007 13:23:07 UTC