protocols for requesting the floor in a teleconference


I'm not sure where the convention came from...
it pre-dates Zakim and "q+"... but
when Murray said his name in today's telcon, he
was asking for the floor to speak. It's like
a token ring protocol or something. It goes...

	... discussion... starts to die down....
	Murray: Murray [i.e. "this is Murray, requesting the floor"]
	Chair: Murray [i.e. "yes, Murray, you have the floor"]
	Murray: [... goes on to make his point ...]

or sometimes:

	... discussion... starts to die down....
	Murray: Murray
	Dan: Dan
	Chair: go ahead, Murray
	Murray: [... goes on to make his point ...]
	Chair: Dan, you wanted the floor?
	Dan: [...]

It's a mild improvement over the ethernet protocol,
i.e. everybody speak at once, and if you can hear
yourself, there was no collision. ;-)

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2006 19:05:01 UTC