GRDDL, XSLT 1, XSLT 2, and Javascript/ECMAscript

The current draft says...

The transformation link type refers to a transformation algorithm that
should have a available representations in widely-supported formats. We
expect most consumers to support XSLT version 1[XSLT1] for the
foreseeable future, though XSLT2[XSLT2] deployment is increasing. While
javascript, C, or any other programming language technically expresses
the relevant information, XSLT is specifically designed to express XML
to XML transformations and has some good safety characteristics

The transformation work I have seen for RDFa and for Atom/OWL is
in XSLT2.

Meanwhile, some folks are doing stuff with Javascript
that's quite similar to GRDDL transformations:

 SIMILE | Piggy Bank | Screen Scrapers

Also, there's an idea to relate microformats with RDFa using

Proposal: hGRDDL, an extraction from Microformats to RDFa Ben Adida
(Sunday, 30 April)

I haven't gotten around to coding up hGRDDL... in fact, by way
of disclosure, I haven't done much javascript hacking at all; I
only just recently learned how to do testing in javascript, and
I'm still not comfortable with the lack of module/namespace
mechanisms. So I'll probably rely on others to push javascript
stuff forward in this WG.

FYI... from my research weblog...
 python, javascript, and PHP, oh my!
 Submitted by connolly 2006-02-07

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 25 July 2006 16:38:45 UTC