any questions about W3C process, charter, Web Architecture?

As team contact, I'm responsible to see that the WG
understands and follows W3C process.

I just found slides from a talk that I gave to the
rules workshop back in 2005. I think they're still
pretty good:

  W3C Process: A Means to an End
  W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability
  Washington, DC 27-28 Apr 2005

If you have any questions about W3C process, please do
let me know. If it seems worthwhile, I could present
those slides in a teleconference.

Likewise, our charter. Chime asked one question,
but I can imagine there are others.

Also, we'll be expected to follow Web Architecture
(as well as other relevant specs: RDF, XML, URIs, ...).
If you haven't read the Web Architecture document,
please do.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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