Re: hReview (guitar) use case

Ok, it's integrated:

Danny Ayers a écrit :
> User story then broad-brushstrokes application description:
> "Stephan wishes to buy a guitar, so decides to check reviews. There
> are various special interest publications online which feature musical
> instrument reviews. There are also blogs which contain reviews by
> individuals. Among the reviewers there may be friends of Stephan,
> people whose opinion Stephan values (e.g. well-known musicians and
> people whose reviews Stephan has found useful in the past). There may
> also reviews planted by instrument manufacturers which offer very
> biased views. Stephan visits a site offering a review service and
> enters his preference for guitar reviews which gave a high rating for
> the instrument. This initial request is answered with a list of all
> the relevant review titles/summaries together with information about
> the reviewers. From this list Stephan chooses only the reviewers he
> trusts, and on submitting these preferences is finally presented with
> a set of full reviews which match his criteria."
> Reviews published using hReview microformat can be discovered using
> existing search services. The documents can be GRDDL'd into RDF and
> aggregated together in a store. Information about the reviewers can
> also be aggregated from various sources including hCard and XFN
> microformats and autodiscovered  FOAF profiles (perhaps also a scutter
> from Stephan's own profile). The filtering may be achieved by running
> SPARQL queries against the aggregated data, presented to the user
> through regular HTML form interfaces.

"I would rather be an optimist and wrong
 than a pessimist and right."
                           -- Kurt Godel."
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Received on Wednesday, 16 August 2006 12:53:55 UTC