Ian Hickson wrote:

> Well it also "allows" profile pages not to do anything useful with GRDDL, 
> sure. But presumably it doesn't matter to GRDDL if those are present or 
> not.
OK, there is a contradiction that GRDDL has to resolve in order to work 
well with HTML in the wild *and* the possibility of profiles:

1) We want pages without profiles to work. Even if the microformat 
community settles on @rel="profile" (which would be a minor delta to 
GRDDL), there are still lots of pages with perfectly good data in the 
wild that won't use @rel="profile" either.

2) Yet we want users to be able to specify their own profiles with their 
own GRDDL transformations in order to explictly license the extracted 
RDF and not force anyone to use any "default" transformations.

As pointed out earlier in GRDDL documents [1], is that these are 
actually two different cases, since " the consumer of the RDF can only 
trust GRDDL transformations when they have been explicitly licensed by 
the author of the documents."

So, the obvious solution is to have GRDDL 1.1 deal with these two cases 

1) Have a user-specified (i.e. user can turn it off and on) mode that as 
a matter of local policy can be pointed to a namespace document (a URI 
for a "list of default GRDDL transformations" for HTML, like hCard, 
etc., perhaps maintained by the W3C) that contains a list of default 
GRDDL transformations for popular microformats and vocabularies, and 
apply these even if @rel="profile" is missing. Therefore, if the user 
wants to be a bit unsafe, they can use this mode, but they can also turn 
it off if they don't trust it, and point it to different "trusted" lists 
of GRDDL transformations.

2) For users who use @rel="profile", get the GRDDL transformation and 
then run it over the HTML5 DOM of the page. Minor change.

What we need to know from *both* the HTML5 community is simple: is 
@rel="profile" in the spec, and does the community have consensus?


Received on Monday, 25 August 2008 11:04:55 UTC