Re: ANN: Krextor 0.2 (XML --XSLT--> RDF extraction framework)

Dear Harry,

  thanks for your feedback!

On Friday 11 July 2008 11:06:14 Harry Halpin wrote:
> I can't read the README documentation,

Sorry, the link was broken. I've fixed it now, and here's the direct link:

> but it appears that Krextor could be very useful for GRDDLing. Does it
> automagically produce a XSLT in addition to the mapped instance data?

What do you mean?  If I understand the question correctly, I have to say, no,
it doesn't.  It is "just" a framework (but hopefully a smart and convenient
one) making it easier to write an XSLT for extracting RDF from XML; the
following snippet would e.g. extract FOAF RDF from a markup like

<person knows="URI-of-person">
  <name>Bart Simpson</name>

<xsl:template match="person">
	<xsl:call-template name="create-resource">
		<xsl:with-param name="type" select="'&foaf;Person'"/>

<xsl:template match="person/@knows">
	<xsl:call-template name="add-uri-property">
		<xsl:with-param name="property" select="'&foaf;knows'"/>

<xsl:template match="person/name">
	<xsl:call-template name="add-literal-property">
		<xsl:with-param name="property" select="'&foaf;name'"/>

I.e. for simple markup/annotation/microformats you can specify a
straightforward, mostly declarative mapping, without doing "algorithmic" XSLT.

> In that case, it would be a way for people to help bootstrap XSLTs they
> could then attach to profile and namespace docs for GRDDL.

So for some particular namespace or profile you would "just" write an
extraction module as sketched above, and then plug it together with the output
module for your desired output format (where only RXR has been implemented so
far, but it's not a big deal to implement others), as shown in the "Usage"
section of the README.  Then you'd apply that XSLT to your input document,
resulting in the extracted RDF.



Christoph Lange, DERI Galway/Jacobs Univ. Bremen,

Received on Friday, 11 July 2008 13:39:24 UTC