On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 19:54 +0100, Harry Halpin wrote:
> Your argument is that the CR report specifies the function abstractly. 
> I'm pretty sure the GRDDL WG was not thinking of non-executable 
> functions when developing GRDDL. I would like to here other opinions of 
> whether or not a GRDDL transformation has to be "executable."

A prose specification of a transformation function is just as
much a representation of a transformation function as an XSLT document.


> My personal opinion is that I am not sure what the utility of it is if 
> it can't be executable,

exactly, as prose isn't a "widely-supported format"...

"Developers of transformations should make available representations in
widely-supported formats. XSLT version 1[XSLT1] is the format most
widely supported by GRDDL-aware agents as of this writing ... ."

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 13 May 2008 14:22:20 UTC