Re: A multipurpose GRDDL profile

Marvellous, thanks! [cc'ing]

On 23/08/07, KANZAKI, Masahide <> wrote:
> Hi Danny,
> GRDDL WG might be interested in a multipurpose GRDDL profile for XHTML
> and its associated XSLT
> You might have known them, but I brushed it up significantly in order to
> present it to Japanese web creators at a conference last month.
> It can transform RFC 2731 style prefixed @rel, @class attributes
> (similar to eRDF), as well as many predefined names from DC, FOAF and
> some microformats. It also distinguish metadata of the document from
> data mentioned in the document (topics of the document).
> cheers,
> --
> @prefix : <> . <> :from [:name
> "神崎正英", "KANZAKI, Masahide"; :mbox <>] .


Received on Thursday, 23 August 2007 05:31:31 UTC