Re: Some comments re: microformats

Ryan, I just added (somewhat off the top of my head) a paragraph to the
Primer that I hope addresses your review [1]. It is as follows:

"Microformat-enabled web-pages on the Web may not be  valid XHTML. For
this purpose, one may wish to use <a
program like Tidy (or some other algorithm) to make the web-page
equivalent to valid XHTML</a> before applying GRDDL <a
href="#GRDDL-SCENARIOS">[GRDDL-SCENARIOS]</a>.  Also, many microformats
may not have profiles with transformations. A user can always take
matters into their own hands  by applying <a
href="">a GRDDL transformation
for a microformat</a> directly to the web page in order to get RDF. This
is risky since if the author of the document or microformat vocabulary
does not explicitly license a GRDDL transformation, the responsibility
for those RDF is now in the hands of the user."

I also think the phrasing addresses the concerns DanC had about people
running non-licensed GRDDL transforms.

Please tell me if this paragraph addresses your concerns.


Ryan King wrote:
> Promted by Harry's message to microformats-discuss[1], I'd like make a
> few comments. Part of the group's charter calls for interoperability
> with microformats. As an active member of the community around
>, I'd like to review the specification from that
> perspective.
> Here are a few issues/comments I'd like to make:
> 1. tagsoup? html?
> The spec describes how to apply a transformation from "Valid XHTML",
> but fails to define any way to deal with other content on the web.
> Given that the majority of the web is something other than "Valid
> XHTML" [2], this spec doesn't seem to be very useful on the Web.
> There also doesn't appear to be any normative way to deal with non XML
> HTML (like HTML 4, for example).
> Unfortunately, this appears to be out of scope for for the group's
> charter[3]:
>> It binds XML documents, especially XHTML documents, XHTML profiles
>> and XML namespace documents
> and there's not mention of a requirement to work with existing content
> on the web, so I'm not sure there's anything that can be done at this
> stage.
> 2. profiles, editing <head>
> AFAICT from my reading of the spec, authors producing content to be
> consumed via GRDDL will need to add a profile uri to the <head> of
> their XHTML documents.
> This requirement will reduce the compatibility with existing
> microformats content on the web. Most content does not have a profile.
> Also, there are many web authors for whom editing the <head> of their
> documents is either prohibited or much more difficult than adding
> content in the <body>
> Lastly, the current HTML5 draft removes @profile. Of course, this is
> just a draft and things may change, but there doesn't appear to be a
> story about future compatibility here.
> -ryan
> 1.
> 2. I can't find the reference but Ian Hickson did a study at google
> which showed that more than 90% of page on the web had lexical level
> validity issues. Most of the web is not well formed, much less
> conformant XHTML
> 3.


Harry Halpin,  University of Edinburgh 6B522426

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 00:57:01 UTC