Re: Comments on GRDDL

On Sat, 2007-04-28 at 03:48 -0400, Andrew Eisenberg wrote:
> The XML Query WG and XSL WG have reviewed GRDDL [1] and offer the
> following comments: 

Thanks for taking a look and sharing your comments...

> 1) When a transformation fails, or it produces non-RDF elements, the
> result/meaning should be specified. 

Without any argument as to why the specification should be
elaborated this way, it's difficult for me to take your comment
up with the GRDDL WG.

We're happy to look at details of any examples or scenarios
where this failure would be a threat to interoperability.

It seems more likely that the results of our investigation
would go into our test cases document than into the specification.

The specification of a GRDDL result is written declaratively.
To say that a transformation fails is like saying that adding 4 and 7
fails. Yes, a machine that's doing the computation might
fail, but the meaning of the expression 4+7 remains what it is.

> 2) Not all schema documents are retrievable by content negotiation
> from the namespace name. How do you use such a schema, e.g. a schema
> written by someone who does not own the namespace? 

Per the "Faithful Renditions" section (quoted below),
a GRDDL result is a function only of information provided
by the source document author or explicitly delegated to other parties;
incorporating for 3rd-party claims is not among the use cases
that GRDDL is designed to accommodate.

Faithful Renditions

By specifying a GRDDL transformation, the author of a document states
that the transformation will provide a faithful rendition in RDF of
information (or some portion of the information) expressed through the
XML dialect used in the source document.

Likewise, by specifying a GRDDL namespace transformation or profile
transformation, the creator of that namespace or profile states that the
transformation will provide a faithful RDF rendition of a class of
source documents which relate to that namespace or profile. A namespace
document or a profile document also provide a means for their authors to
explain in prose the purpose of the transformation or any policy

>                                                -- Andrew
> [1] Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL) 

Dan Connolly, W3C
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