- From: Dave Beckett <dave@dajobe.org>
- Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 14:13:09 -0700 (PDT)
- To: public-grddl-comments@w3.org
Sorry this is past the 30 Mar deadline, that was a busy deadline for myself too. These are personal comments. Dave Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL) W3C Working Draft 2 March 2007 http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-grddl-20070302/ S1 no comment S2 [bug] "grddl:transformation attribute whose value is an IRI reference, or list of IRI references" That's a whitespace-separated list or space-separated? The example in S2 could be read as a newline and a lot of ws I think I've only implemented spaces Looking further, the Normative Statement says: "space-separated" but the Mechanical Rule (Informative) uses (?Vnorm "[ \t\r\n]+") fn:tokenize [ list:member ?REF ]. which I can't really decode but seems to be whitespace, not a space. So these are inconsistent and strictly, only a single space is allowed: the normative part does not say "spaces", the plural, either. Can you have leading and trailing whitespace(s)? S3 [words] "To associate a GRDDL transformation with a whole dialect, have the namespace document include the grddl:namespaceTransformation property." That phrase made me double-take. You mean, have the namespace document have a GRDDL result that includes a triple with the grddl:namespaceTransformation property. S4 [note] Here the whitespace-separation of terms is defined by HTML4 and is rather vague since it says right now you can have 1 URI and later many, but doesn't tell you how. [bug] Your normative definition of 'metadata profile name' here is space-separated again and the informative, whitespace. S5 no comment S6 no comment S7 [comment] The long example in this section could be marked informative. S8 no comments S9 [comment] What is the sentence "The namespace document includes RDF data about the terms in the GRDDL Vocuabulary, but these RDF data do not include any triples whose predicate is grddl:profileTransformation." for? Is it saying that it won't define profile transforms. What about it defining namespace transforms? [spelling: vocabulary] Also see General comment below S Appendix Transformations for Styling versus data extraction [comment] suggest this is deleted, or made informative or explained further. It's not saying to ignore xml-stylesheet but saying it isn't well supported. It kind of overlaps with the S8 security considerations which also wanders into implementation advice. S Issues I assume will be removed from REC General [comment] I don't know where this would go, but can you add something like this, if it is true: http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view is used as an identifier The results of resolving this URI, or the grddl result of this URI are not required to be read by GRDDL agents. If this document may change, maybe you should say so. Usually things like this (XML namespaces, schema documents) refered to in RECs are very slowly changing, if at all. If you want this in the form of a question: Are the contents you get when resolving the URI http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view part of the GRDDL recommendation? The comments in the XHTML you get back tend to suggest not, there are lots of todos and reference to things in progress.
Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 21:13:31 UTC