Getting started with the CG

Dear all,

Thank you all for your introductions.

One of the first things we should do now is choosing one or more Chairs.
While I volunteer to be a Chair, I call for at least one Chair
with more experience in the W3C WG/CG process, as I am still quite new to this world.
Other people are definitely welcome to volunteer as well!

After that, we may decide to create a charter using the W3C CG charter template [1].
In this we should determine the exact scope and planned deliverables.
If you already have any thoughts on this, feel free to discuss this via the mailinglist.

I've requested a GitHub repository [2] that we can use within this CG.
I already added some information that I gathered
from the introduction mails to this mailinglist (see docs folder).
Feel free to open Pull Requests if you think there is anything missing.
We can use this information as input to our charter.


Kind regards,
Ruben Taelman

Received on Wednesday, 4 March 2020 07:37:21 UTC