Re: Welcome to the community group on Bridging GraphQL and RDF

Dear Ruben, all,

I am an Associate Professor at Linköping University, Sweden. Some of my 
research has focused on RDF, Linked Data, and federations of graph data 
sources. An interesting topic in the context of the latter is what type of 
(Web-based) data access interfaces such data sources may provide. Related to 
this topic, I started looking into GraphQL, and I have done some research on 
different aspects of the GraphQL framework [1,2,3,4]. Currently, we are 
working on a performance benchmark for GraphQL server implementations:

In the context of the CG, my interest is in making sure that we have a solid 
formal foundation for using GraphQL to access RDF data.


[1] Olaf Hartig and Jorge Pérez: An Initial Analysis of Facebook's GraphQL 
Language. In Proceedings of the 11th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop 
on Foundations of Data Management (AMW), 2017.

[2] Olaf Hartig and Jorge Pérez: Semantics and Complexity of GraphQL. In 
Proceedings of The Web Conference 2018.

[3] Olaf Hartig and Jan Hidders: Defining Schemas for Property Graphs by using 
the GraphQL Schema Definition Language. In Proceedings of the 2nd Joint 
International Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences & Systems (GRADES) 
and Network Data Analytics (NDA) (GRADES-NDA'19), 2019.

[4] Yun Wan Kim, Mariano P. Consens, and Olaf Hartig: An Empirical Analysis of 
GraphQL API Schemas in Open Code Repositories and Package Registries. In 
Proceedings of the 13th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on 
Foundations of Data Management (AMW), 2019.

On torsdag 13 februari 2020 kl. 16:14:41 CET Ruben Taelman wrote:
> Dear all,
> Welcome to the community group on Bridging GraphQL and RDF!
> As you probably already know,
> this group has been setup to explore combinations of GraphQL and RDF,
> and to investigate how these two domains can help each other.
> Before we start with defining the concrete goals of this group,
> selecting a chair, and defining the process that will be followed,
> I suggest that everyone first introduces themselves,
> and shares with the group what you would like to see as an outcome.
> Let me start off:
> I am a (finishing) PhD student at Ghent University, Belgium.
> My research focuses on publishing and querying Linked Data on the Web.
> During my research, I have experienced the difficulty developers have with
> writing SPARQL queries. Since GraphQL is much more popular among
> developers, I tried to lift GraphQL queries to the RDF domain, so that they
> can be used as an alternative to SPARQL queries.
> This mechanism resulted in GraphQL-LD [1, 2], which combines GraphQL queries
> with JSON-LD contexts.
> During my work on GraphQL-LD, I quickly noticed that several other companies
> had similar ideas. Last year, I started working on a high-level comparison
> [3, 4] between the approaches that existed back then. Note that several new
> related approaches have been introduced, so my comparison is a bit
> outdated. As several people (including myself) recognised the need for some
> kind of alignment between these different approaches, I created this
> community group as an attempt to bring all interested parties together.
> As an end-goal (possibly as a step *after* this CG),
> I would like to see some kind of standardization on how GraphQL maps to RDF.
> Given my interest in querying, I would at least like to see this from a
> querying perspective, so I want some kind of mapping from GraphQL queries
> to SPARQL queries (or something more generic). I understand that other
> people in this group are interested in other (non-querying) aspects of
> GraphQL, and I definitely agree that work should be done for these things
> as well.
> [1]

> [2]

> [3]

> [4]

> Kind regards,
> Ruben Taelman

Received on Saturday, 15 February 2020 08:20:03 UTC