WebGPU in professional media production workflows

Hi GPU for the Web community,
[cc workshop chairs]

W3C and SMPTE are organizing a joint workshop on Professional Media 
Production on the Web:

The workshop aims at connecting the web platform and the professional 
media production communities, and exploring evolutions of the Web 
platform to address professional media production requirements.

The call for participation mentions WebGPU as a relevant web technology 
in professional media production workflows. With this email, I'd like to 
raise awareness about the workshop to make sure that you at least keep 
an eye on it, and explore whether some of you might be interested to 
speak at the workshop.

This workshop will be a virtual event (some of you followed or 
participated in the workshop on Web and Machine Learning, this one will 
follow a similar pattern), with a mix of pre-recorded talks and online 
discussions, followed by a series of 3-4 calls mid-November to 
crystallize discussions and assess possible next steps.

We are looking for high-quality/thought-provoking talks focused on 
professional media production on the web. Talks could be somewhat 
generic on WebGPU, answering a question such as "What does or will 
WebGPU enable in media production scenarios?", or be less about WebGPU 
in itself and more specifically about challenges that rendering engines 
that get used or could be used in media production workflows encounter 
on the Web, about some existing or missing feature that would be worth 
having, about questions that you may have for media production companies 
and that could perhaps help you prioritize features for WebGPU, etc.

Instructions to apply to speak at the workshop are on:

Deadline for actually delivering a recorded talk is 15 October 2021.

Also, feel free to reach out to me for details and questions (I organize 
the workshop on behalf of W3C team), or if there are people that you 
think would be worth involving in the workshop.


Received on Friday, 3 September 2021 13:14:52 UTC