Switch to new W3C Patent Policy (was: Re: Minutes for the 2020-11-09 meeting)

Hi GPU for the Web WG,

The group quickly discussed the possible switch to the new W3C Patent 
Policy during last call. Here are some key points:

- Main change is that, under the new patent policy, royalty-free 
commitments apply earlier, at the Candidate Recommendation phase. 
Previously, they only applied at the Recommendation phase. In non legal 
terms, the new patent policy encourages implementations and usage 
earlier on.

- The new Patent Policy has been reviewed and approved by W3C Members, 
so your organization should already be fine with it if you're a WG 

- If the group agrees to switch to the new patent policy, a new charter 
will be issued early December. Only change in that charter will be the 
patent policy. The end date, the scope, the list of deliverables, and 
everything else will remain untouched. The adoption of this new charter 
will be automatic (the new charter won't be sent to the advisory 
committee for review in particular). The only hiccup is that you will 
have to re-join the WG afterwards.

- Regardless of what the group decides today, you'll have to switch to 
the new patent policy next time you re-charter, meaning October 2022 at 
the latest.

Given that the end date for the current charter is still far away and 
that the group will hopefully reach the Candidate Recommendation step 
for the WebGPU spec before the charter expires, it seems a good idea to 
switch to the new patent policy right away, but that's up to you!


------ Original message ------
From: "Corentin Wallez" <cwallez@google.com>
To: "public-gpu" <public-gpu@w3.org>
Date: 13/11/2020 15:08:34

>Please find them in this doc 

Received on Monday, 16 November 2020 14:05:34 UTC