Re: [WGSL] Test for round-trippability

I believe some of the issues pointed out can be resolved before the round
tripability has been resolved. I've already commented on the `for` loop
issue. For others, please tag them with the for meeting label and we can
discuss them at the next meeting.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 2:24 PM Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:

> On Apr 1, 2020, at 10:07 AM, Dan Sinclair <> wrote:
> Responding to the points raised:
> 1- This seems to be referring to the for loop question? As we’ve stated in
> the past, adding for loops is something we’re fine with, we can desugar
> then to loop/continuing. If this is referring to other issues can you
> please reference them for me.
> For loops, while loops, comma, regardless, unless, comma operator, lexical
> scope vs dominator scope are some of the ones I can think of that would be
> potentially affected by this.
> For for loops, there are multiple sub-issues:
> - Some have argued they should not be added to the language at all, even
> as a desugaring.
> - There’s specifically been debate over for loops with multiple statements
> in the iterator position (either via comma operator or a block statement;
> but even without these things it seems like if (true) should be a
> workaround)
> - There’s been much debate over whether a powerful enough for could
> replace loop/continuing entirely.
> My point is not to rehash all these issues in this email thread. Just that
> we need specifics of what distinctions must be preserved on a SPIR-V —>
> WGSL —> SPIR-V round trip, and some verifiable evidence for why those
> distinctions must be preserved.
> 2- This is in flux with the outstanding FAQ changes and the outstanding
> goals section changes.
> We need details on what exactly needs to be preserved on a round trip and
> why (and some evidence if the specifics seem mysterious), in order to
> evaluate the planned FAQ and goals section changes.
> 3- Chrome and Firefox both have to be performant on MSL and HLSL based
> platforms. We are working to support all of those along with SPIR-V as we
> have to run on all those platforms. Can you please file issues for
> constructs in WGSL which will not be performant on MSL?
> We don’t think there are any, but since Google has reported the developer
> feedback on needing to fine-tune SPIR-V, perhaps you have heard of issues
> with other shader languages. We’re also asking the Metal team at Apple.
> We have outstanding tasks to get the FAQ in place and to update the Goals
> section. David has an outstanding task to writeup the initial round
> tripping documentation. We think this conversation should wait on those
> tasks to get completed first.
> It’s fine to wait, we’d just like an ETA. Some of the issues above seem
> stalled on having this info.
> Maybe some can be cleanly resolved without it. If we’d like to try that
> exercise, we could provide links to relevant GitHub Issues.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 3:12 PM Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:
>> On Mar 31, 2020, at 9:25 AM, David Neto <> wrote:
>> Myles,
>> Thanks for trying to advance the conversation.
>> Google suggests that the CG defer defining the round-trip requirements
>> until we have had the time and opportunity to publish further updates to
>> the WGSL specification. The current WGSL snapshot is known to be incomplete
>> in many areas, and was hastened toward publication in order to enable
>> forward progress in the CG.
>> Based on feedback from developers with whom we collaborate, the
>> definition of WGSL in terms of SPIR-V semantics, and round-trippability to
>> SPIR-V, are hard requirements. The criteria Apple proposes seem to allow
>> significant deviation from these requirements. Still, we would like to
>> avoid responding point-by-point at the present time, in the hope that
>> further clarifications to the current WGSL specification may alleviate
>> concerns and make it easier to reach consensus.
>> Is deferring this conversation for the time being acceptable to everyone?
>> First, let’s review why it’s important to address this eventually:
>> (1) A number proposed improvements to the language have been opposed
>> partly on the basis of round-trippability. But the claims for what needs to
>> be round tripped have not been substantiated, and it’s not even entirely
>> clear what properties need to be preserved.
>> That makes it hard to have a meaningful conversation about these issues,
>> or to come to a final resolution. We at Apple feel strongly that some
>> tweaks need to be made for human-writability. However, if certain aspects
>> of round trippability were shown to be performance-essential, we would
>> accept that as a constraint on language improvement proposals.
>> Referring to non-specific feedback from developers, or saying it’s a
>> “hard requirement” does not help advance this conversation.
>> (2) Myles is a co-editor of the WGSL specification. He needs to
>> understand exactly what the constraints on the language are, and why they
>> are that way, in order to perform that role effectively. We can’t expect
>> him to just ask a Googler every time.
>> (3) While we’ve agreed to define WGSL in terms of SPIR-V semantics, we
>> have not agreed that WebGPU performance on top of Vulkan is more important
>> than performance on top of Metal or DirectX. We are concerned about the
>> SPIR-V-centricity of the performance conversation. MSL and HLSL are equally
>> first class targets in terms of performance. Without knowing the details,
>> it’s hard to gauge whether we are missing something for these other target
>> APIs and languages.
>> It’s reasonable to fill in details in the spec first, before getting to
>> these issues. The current version is clearly incomplete. (Though note,
>> anything that’s a substantial change should probably be reviewed by the CG
>> or at least by the co-editors at this point).
>> But we can’t put off these conversations forever. With that in mind,
>> could you propose a time frame for when we can come back to this topic?
>> Regards,
>> Maciej
>> regards,
>> david
>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 7:40 AM Myles C. Maxfield <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> There has been a fair amount of discussion
>>> <> recently about the
>>> process of round-tripping SPIR-V -> WGSL -> SPIR-V. In particular, this
>>> round-tripping operation may introduce
>>> <> some modifications to the
>>> original source which were not present
>>> <> in the original source.
>>> This group has already agreed that the round-trip will not be
>>> byte-for-byte identical
>>> <> to
>>> the original source. However, the WGSL group hasn’t come up with a set of
>>> criteria for whether not a transformation is too disruptive to the original
>>> source to introduce.
>>> It is also accepted practice in WebGL for certain browsers to reject
>>> specific versions of certain drivers which are known to have bugs in them.
>>> In addition, the WebGPU group has already required certain common Vulkan
>>> extensions, thereby effectively rejecting specific Vulkan drivers which
>>> don’t support those common extensions.
>>> With all that in mind, I’d like to propose the following test to
>>> determine whether a particular construct in the source SPIR-V program must
>>> be required to be unperturbed in the round-tripped SPIR-V program:
>>>    1. A class of shaders exists, written in a human-writable shading
>>>    language, which a human might have reasonably written
>>>    2. … when compiled from that human-writable language into SPIR-V
>>>    using the latest version of a popular compiler, and then the construct is
>>>    perturbed (e.g. a variable hoisted, or a const promoted to a variable, or
>>>    duplicate code moved to a common function, etc.),
>>>    3. … it results in a reproducible and significant performance or
>>>    correctness problem
>>>    4. … on a shipping system configuration of the most recent version
>>>    of a major browser (because only new browser versions will get WebGPU)
>>>    5. … which has a significant number of users
>>> If passing this test can be demonstrated, and the specific performance
>>> results or incorrect behavior can be displayed publicly (preferably on a
>>> WebGPU GitHub issue), then this is a compelling case to redesign WGSL such
>>> that it doesn’t require this specific perturbation.
>>> This also goes for HLSL and MSL. If compiling to HLSL or MSL produces a
>>> problem which passes this test, then that is is a compelling case to
>>> redesign WGSL such that it doesn’t require this problem.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Myles and the rest of the WebKit WebGPU team

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2020 13:31:59 UTC