WebGPU polyfill using WebGL2 - would it be feasible and/or make sense?

WebGPU and WebGL2 do not provide the exact same feature set, but there is a
good bit of overlap. For early adopter web application developers eager to
get started with WebGPU now, would a polyfill of a subset of WebGPU
features implemented using WebGL2 be feasible and/or make sense?

WebGL2 is widely available today in production web browsers:
and WebGPU, though progressing nicely, still has a long way to go before

So what are the options for web application developers who want to use some
parts of WebGPU in production code today? A polyfill would seem the best. A
polyfill will not give the same level of performance as a native WebGPU
implementation or the full feature set, but may be sufficient for certain
deployment scenarios - such as code samples in training courses, product
demos, proof of concept projects. etc.. It would not be suitable for
heavy-duty gaming or other intensive 3D rendering workloads - that is

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2019 16:58:51 UTC