Minutes for the 2017-10-11 meeting

GPU Web 2017-10-11

Chair: Corentin Wallez

Scribe: Ken Russell

Location: Google Hangout
Minutes from last meeting


   Status update

      Apple: migrating WSL to HLSL syntax, still writing SPIR-V codegen.

      Google: posted document <https://github.com/gpuweb/gpuweb/issues/33>
      about SPIR-V robust resource access.

      Mozilla: progress on OpenGL and D3D12 bakend of grfx-rs-ll

   Robust resource acces in SPIR-V

      No prior art in WebGL because it doesn’t have compute level features

      Discussion that robust resource access isn’t enough for security,
      formal proof would be better.

      Consensus that formal proof isn’t needed for MVP but a detailed
      investigation is needed (AI: Google). A formal proof might be
required for

      Formally proving SPIR-V security will prove security of a lot of
      high-level languages.

      Idea is that code transforms for security will live in the “shader

   What security for shaders means

      Security includes robust resource access, what else?

      UBs could be specified like robust buffer access, as a undefined
      among several choices. float4 v; v[4]; could return 0, 1 or any
element of

      WASM uses trap semantics efficiently where invalid accesses trap and
      halt execution.

         How to do this efficiently in vertex / compute shaders?

         What about side effects like UAV writes?

      Discussion whether to force all implementation to be have the same
      for common UB cases like v[4].

   Next steps to agree on shading languages?

      Define security + audit proposed language

      Language has to be portable, define portability constraints for
      misbehaving programs.

      Still no consensus on high-level vs intermediate-level.

Tentative agenda


   Administrative stuff (if any)


   Individual design and prototype status


   Shading languages

   Agenda for next meeting




      Dean Jackson

      Myles C. Maxfield


      Corentin Wallez

      David Neto

      John Kessenich

      Kai Ninomiya

      Ken Russell


      Ben Constable

      Chas Boyd

      Rafael Cintron


      Dzmitry Malyshau

      Jeff Gilbert


      Kirill Dmitrenko


      Doug Twilleager

   Elviss Strazdiņš

   Joshua Groves

   Tyler Larson

Administrative items


   CW: TPAC meeting with WASM tentatively Tuesday 7th of Nov.

   AI: Send it by email once we have confirmation

   KR: Do we need to register for this?

   DJ: Can ask W3C if we need to register just for a 1h meeting.

   MM: suggests meeting in coffee shop otherwise. :)

   DJ: Really really really close to getting an agreement on the W3C CLA.
   Should have a resolution VERY soon.

Individual design and prototype status



      MM: have written about half of the SPIR-V codegen phase of the
      WSL/HLSL secure language (and are migrating it to HLSL syntax)

      CW: will be great to see!

      MM: working with Microsoft to have HLSL secure have some of the best
      parts of WSL, to have something that’s backward compatible with lots of
      shaders, and have useful features for people writing GPU software

      As soon as writing codegen, will go other direction: ingest SPIR-V,
      write out HLSL Secure

         CW: using extended features?

         MM: answering that question is the goal of the project.


      CW: making document about how to guarantee robust resource access in

      Posted to Github; hope people can look at it

      With small API-side validation (e.g. buffers big enough for “sized”
      portion of data), then can make somewhat simple SPIR-V
transforms to ensure
      all pointer accesses are in-bounds of resources

      Only one tricky case requiring fat pointers. Should probably be
      rarely hit.

      Have prototype pass and a prototype test; need to put them together.

      DJ: will we talk about this document more in the actual meeting?

         CW: can do.

      KN: working again on compiling dEQP to Emscripten.

         dEQP includes Vulkan conformance tests. So if we had some Vulkan
         shim for WebGPU, we could plausibly run parts of the Vulkan

         CW: could also plausibly write new WebGPU tests in the dEQP


      RC: no status updates; working through legal stuff (HLSL -> W3C).


      DM: solid progress on OpenGL backend for gfx-rs

      D3D12: better subpass support; generating HLSL code from SPIR-V

      Better mapping for descriptor heaps

      Refactored way image views work to match Vulkan’s semantics

      RC: how are you making D3D12 consume SPIR-V?


         Use SPIRV-cross and go through the descriptor set bindings. Every
         even descriptor set contains views; odd ones, samplers.

Shading languagesRobust Resource Access in SPIR-V


   CW: Out-of-bounds accesses are defined.

   SPIR-V logical addressing mode adds a lot of useful constraints

   Document describes how to ensure that newly-created pointers end up
   within the resource

   OpAccessChain creates new pointers; indices used in the new access chain
   have to be ensured to be in bounds

      Can just generate code to clamp indices. Structures have compile-time
      size known.

      Only difficulty: D3D12 read-write access buffer. (Any size, access
      any way you want)

      SPIR-V: this functionality exposed via unsized arrays at the end of
      your shader’s resources.

      For this case: query the size of the array (doable in SPIR-V), and
      maybe make a fat pointer if needed. Look up the size of the array in the
      fat pointer and clamp it.

      Some validation on API side: if you have a structure that’s e.g. 40
      bytes, make sure that the buffer you bind to it is >= 40 bytes.

      Wouldn’t need that if you actually have robust buffer access in the
      hardware. But on hardware that doesn’t support it, have this option.

   JG: sounds similar to what we have to do in WebGL.

   CW: actually don’t have to do this in WebGL yet, because we don’t have
   shader storage buffers yet.

      JG: we have to check the sizes of buffers bound for draw calls, clamp
      array indexing, …

   DJ: is this just the start of securing SPIR-V?

      CW: no, this is basically the most difficult part. Clamping image
      texel accesses is the only other case and is a lot easier. Only
      there is that images must be minimum 1x1 size.

      Reason we’re asking: taking an existing language and bolting on the
      secure properties afterward. Apple has had the idea that the language
      should be secure by design.

      JK: most of the work is on the API side to make sure the resources
      are big enough.

      CW: you’ll have to clamp image texel accesses; have to clamp access
      into constant sized arrays; and unsized arrays (SSBOs), where you have to
      clamp. The language “secure by design” has to do all of these things.

      MM: clearly clamping buffer and texture accesses to ranges are
      necessary. But these aren’t sufficient for a secure language. A cursory
      read of the SPIR-V spec turns up other things. OpPhi doesn’t require each
      incoming block be represented in its operand list, for example.
Would need
      to check these other constraints.

      JG: please add these to a document

      MM: not trying to point out a few ways to pwn SPIR-V. We’d have to go
      through it operation by operation to make sure you can’t do something
      you’re not supposed to do.

      DJ: with WSL we’re thinking of using a formal proof system. To be
      confident we can use SPIR-V we may not need to go to that level, but we
      should go through it operation-by-operation

      JG: what makes this different from how we secured WebGL?

      DN: we haven’t defined the unit of containment. Have to say something
      is secure *with respect to* something. Operation-by-operation is maybe
      irrelevant if undefined behavior means “nothing can come from
outside this
      virtual machine box”. May not need something more fine-grained than that.

      MM: agree. Have to define what security means.

      JG: sounds a lot like the reasoning for writing a new language is
      that you’d have to fully understand an existing current
language. Throwing
      the baby out with the bath water.

      CW: think the argument is more that you can write a formal proof more
      easily for a high-level langauge.

      JG: in going through SPIR-V I think it’d be possible to prove it

      JK: there are fewer primitives in SPIR-V. Easier to prove things
      about it than a higher-level language.

      KN: my intuition as well is that it’d be easier to prove for the
      lower-level languages.

      JG: is proving the IR safe a hard requirement?

      MM: no, not a hard requirement

      DN: lots of GLSL implementations out there. A big gap between a
      high-level langauge like GLSL and a low-level language like SPIR-V. Less
      semantic content in the low-level language. Easier to reason about the
      low-level language.

      JK: you want this to be well-defined in real life, not just on paper.

      DJ: with a cursory examination we found gaps in this low-level and
      presumably easy-to-validate low-level language.

      CW: think it’s needed for V1, but that a proof is too much to require

      MM: think the language chosen for MVP should be the one we go with in
      the long run. Analysis doesn’t have to require a formal proof
but does need
      to be thorough.

      CW: agreed. The robust buffer access investigation is half the story.
      In addition to this, need to state the security guarantees for
WebGPU. Once
      we have agreement, Google can go through the SPIR-V spec and address all
      the problems. Assert that SPIR-V is almost secure, if not already
      completely secure. And that trivial additions to the execution
      would make it completely secure.

      DJ: sounds good. Would like to say that HLSL is also in the same boat.

      JG: if it’s a closed compilation to compile any HLSL to SPIR-V, then
      we only have to prove SPIR-V secure.

      JK: right. We get a whole bunch of high level languages for free if
      we demonstrate SPIR-V secure.

      KR: The case with OpPhi not using all the arguments seems like a
      problem that should be caught at validation time. We can take the SPIR-V
      spec and add validation for things that would be malformed.

      MM: agree, think there are a lot of SPIR-V programs compatible with
      the spec that are illegal.

      KR: SPIR-V is supposed to be well structured and an IL that a lot of
      HL languages can target. If there are gaps in the SPIR-V spec let’s spot
      them and fix them.

      AI: for people who have found gaps in the SPIR-V spec, please post
      them somewhere.

      AI for Google: go through the SPIR-V spec and look at what would be
      gaps and how they would be addressed.

   DM: what are plans for SPIR-V security? Part of SPIR-V cross?

      DN: have a branch of spirv-tools adding a transform which does the
      OpAccessChain clamping. Have working code. Has the analysis for the
      structured case. Assumes you have existing API-side validation.

      CW: idea is that there’s an “ANGLE-Next” library that everyone uses
      to implement WebGPU, and there’s a shared library in it implementing the
      translator. In it is the transformer.

      DM: understand where it goes. Wondering specific implementation plans.

      CW: depends on a lot of things. DM: ok for now.

What We Mean by Security for shaders


   CW: We’ve discussed what we mean by robust resource access. But what do
   we mean by the rest of “security”?


   JG: what are the outstanding questions? A lot of this comes down from
   the web standards.

   CW: what Myles talked about before is undefined behavior in the SPIR-V
   spec that could lead to...whatever...because it’s undefined.

   DJ: SPIR-V code must not be able to get through the ANGLE-Next
   validation and (due to some inconsistencies in the spec, whatever) get past
   robust buffer access.

   CW: a shader that passes validation means that it doesn’t have undefined
   behavior up to threading / locking / atomics / etc.?

   DJ: behavior is within some boundaries of undefined access

   MM: valuable to be able to have a branch instead of a clamp. If you have
   a branch then you can hoist that above other checks.

   JG: this sounds like an implementation detail

   CW: Myles is saying that there shouldn’t be undefined behavior outside
   robust buffer access-style choices of what happens.

   JG: there may be cases where it’s not strictly specified behavior but is

   DJ: we should reduce the number of situations where things aren’t

   CW: you can access float4 with integer indices. What about v[4]?

      Should return something inside, or 0, or 1.

      These should be specified. Just like robust buffer access.

   KD: suggest a difference between defined and implementation-defined

   MM: one technique that led to speedups in WebAssembly and JS is a trap.
   If something bad happens the program will just end immediately. In JS, the
   program will tier down to a lower level of optimization.

      In shaders, the entry point of the vertex/fragment shader would write
      zeros to all outputs and return immediately. Have really great
      benefits. Wouldn’t have to do checks everywhere.

   CW: there’s no “discard” in vertex shaders. If you trap very deeply
   inside a call stack, how do you return to the main entry point and unwind

      MM: you can unwind everything.

      CB: does anyone have a call stack in their implementations today?

      JG: do you mean in the shader implementation? No.

      CW: assume there’s a program counter and function calls. Everything
      needs to be inlineable. Compute APIs can do recursion however. GPUs have
      support for real program counters. If we trap inside a deep call
stack then
      as soon as a function returns we need to say “if (trap) {return;}” after
      every function call.

      JG: an interesting experiment potentially. If you tickle
      under-defined behavior, maybe leave open to the realm of possibility
      “return something from the buffer, or 1, or 0” abandon the
shader execution.

   KN: with this vertex shader example, does it matter that you don’t
   execute the rest of the program? What if you just set a “trap” bit?

      CW: there are SSBO writes.

      KN: right. So second point: regardless of that, what do you want to
      do with SSBO writes? Those that occurred before the trap didn’t happen?

      MM: writes before the trap are visible, writes afterward aren’t

      DN: what’s the point of that if it’s an illegal program?

      JK: you might want to say “some of the writes before the trap are

      MM: why? If the implementation inlines everything why can’t we say

      CW: GPUs don’t work this way. If you inline everything you can easily
      have giant programs.

      MM: trying to invoke the “as-if” clause in some specs. Not proposing
      we actually do it this way.

      DN: the memory / storage model does not require serial stores.

      MM: if there’s a return inside the loop the optimization would be

      JG / CW: would be disabling optimizations.

      DN: what’s the benefit of getting these invalid writes if the
      program’s illegal?

      MM: goal’s to reduce non-portable programs.

      DN: so you want to make every implementation execute the same way?

      MM: understand it’s not possible in every case. But want to reduce
      the scenarios.

      JK: should invalid programs produce the same results everywhere?

      MM: let’s define invalid. vec[4] should have consistent semantics.

      JK: if you enforce everyone to implement the same way.

      CW: if you spec it this way you prevent valid platform-dependent
      optimizations. Some might implement the clamping with “& 3”. Some others
      might do it differently.

      JG: is what you’re proposing that rejecting shaders and writing zeros
      would be an option? Or required if something goes wrong?

      MM: we don’t have a strong opinion about the answer to that question.
      But portability is really important. We already reduce performance for
      security. Question isn’t that you’re making things slower to improve
      portability. The question is what’s the tradeoff.

      KD: that’s a security, not portability, issue.

      MM: you can have a language that has a corner case that’s
      un-portable, but nobody hits it. For simple cases, it’s totally feasible

      KR: the same techniques that work to secure CPU programs will not
      work on GPUs. GPUs work very differently. No traps, etc.

      CW: please take this discussion to the mailing list.

What are the next steps so we can agree on the shading language


   Open discussion points, arguments, etc.?

   DN: define security. Audit whatever proposed language against it.

   CW: be portable to the three APIs is another.

   DM: want to know what the portability constraints for misbehaving
   programs are.

   DJ: hopefully we do agree that we want to maximize portability as much
   as possible without sacrificing performance.

   DJ: There’s still the open request from Apple and Microsoft that we have
   a human-readable shading language.

      Google and Mozilla expressed at the F2F that a low-level language is
      good enough.

      No consensus yet.

Action items


   Google: look into SPIR-V security

      JG: maybe hard to collaborate, but willing to work on analyzing
      SPIR-V opcodes

   Apple: describe the trapping behavior in shaders they proposed

   Apple: post existing issues found in SPIR-V

   CW: to start threads on human-readable vs. binary, high-level vs.

   CW: email about TPAC

Agenda for next meeting


   Not shading languages

   Last week, didn’t get to use cases for synchronization.

      DM: let’s discuss this

   Memory barriers again?

      JG: we can take a shot at it

      MM: still learning Vulkan; will try to understand enough to
      contribute if that’s on the agenda

   How much portability / how much undefined behavior?

      KR: someone posted ~7 WebGL GLSL bugs recently and found undefined
      behavior even in the clamp() intrinsic. Can’t get away from it :)

Received on Monday, 16 October 2017 19:35:30 UTC