Re: How to add translations (or terms)

Le lun 05/01/2004 à 15:40, Martin Duerst a écrit :
> The glossary should be organized so that anybody can add a translation
> (i.e. propose a translation), but that there can be different translations
> for one and the same term, and they are annotated by whom proposed them.
> This is important to be able to really use the glossary system for actual
> work by the various translators.

This is how it works as of today; but there is a more general debate at
W3C about this free-for all policy, and pending a resolution to this
question, I thought it was better disabling the feature for now.

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Monday, 5 January 2004 12:16:24 UTC