- From: Fadi Maali <fadi.maali@deri.org>
- Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:32:58 +1100
- To: Johan De Smedt <johan.de-smedt@tenforce.com>
- Cc: vasily.bunakov@stfc.ac.uk, "public-gld-comments@w3.org Comments" <public-gld-comments@w3.org>
Hello Johan, Following up on the issue you raised before on DCAT. On 15 Aug 2013, at 22:00, Johan De Smedt <johan.de-smedt@tenforce.com> wrote: > B) For the schema description (i.e. [2] - the formal specification of syntax or semantics going with a data set), I did not find an alternative yet that is better than void:vocabulary. > Such a property is useful (like but complementary to dcat:mediaType or dct:format) to know if an application can actual process the information referenced by the DCAT. > Example use case: > -1- The EU publication has it’s own owl schema. applications not knowing this schema will have difficulty to process the data. > Having the schema: > i) published > ii) referenced in the dcat:Distribution of a data set published complying to that schema > would allow for an application to select the correct data set manifestation to be able to process or render the information. > -2- Eurostat statiscal information may be published using XML, RDF/XML, csv, html > Especially when XML or RDF/XML is used it seems relevant to know which XML or OWL schema is used to know if the data can be processed. I absolutely agree that having a description of the schema is very useful in many scenarios. However, this problem was considered out the scope of DCAT because of design choice to have a minimal focused vocabulary and due to the available time/resources. Notice that DCAT makes no assumption about the dataset format or content. As you mentioned in your email, there exists a number of properties that can be used for particular datasets as void:vocabulary and I think there is some efforts in schema.org and elsewhere to describe schema of CSV datasets. However as I mentioned above, given the scope (and the resources) of DCAT, the schema description is not addressed. Best regards, Fadi Maali
Received on Friday, 25 October 2013 01:33:55 UTC