Hairy syntax in QB complete example


(or, perhaps this is just a Sesame bug, but I wanted GLD to consider the accessibility of their example in different existing tools)
    has a bit of a hairy syntax that hangs up Sesame 2.6.10 (but rapper 2.0.9 handles it fine):

The local name “sdmx-subject:3.2” starts with a digit:

@prefix dct:          <> .
@prefix sdmx-subject: <> .
@prefix ex-geo:       <> .
@prefix qb:           <> .
@prefix eg:           <> .

eg:dataset-le3 a qb:DataSet;
        sdmx-subject:3.2 ,      # regional and small area statistics
        sdmx-subject:1.4 ,      # Health
        ex-geo:wales;           # Wales

results in " Illegal subject value: “2”^^xsd:integer “

Tim Lebo

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 21:22:36 UTC