Re: [publishing-statistical-data] W3C Data Cube Last Call

Hi Guillaume,

Thank you again for your comments on the Data Cube Last Call draft.

We previously responded to your primary comment but I wanted to follow 
up to confirm that we have also made the editorial corrections that you 
suggested. Details below. The current editor's draft is at [1].

Please can you let us know if you are satisfied with this response.

On 04/04/13 17:04, Guillaume Duffes wrote:

> _*6.4*_ :A typo:  “ /To express the value of this attribute we would
> typically us//*e *//a common thesaurus”/


> _*6.4*_ : Need some clarification: “/well call this the ///normalized/
> <>//representation“
> / → *we'll***or *well, let's call *??

Fixed ("this is called the ...").

> _*6.4*_ : “ /In a data set with multiple observations
> //*[measures ??]*//**//then we add an additional dimension whose value
> indicates the measure. This is appropriate for applications where the
> measures are separate aggregate statistics“/→ I do not completely agree
> with that.
> First, I guess you meant multiple measures instead of observations.

Yes, fixed.

> The above-mentioned “ /additional dimension/ “, that is the measure
> dimension is defined in SDMX 2.1 as “/ is a special type of dimension
> which defines multiple measures in a data structure definition. [..].
> Note that it is necessary that these representations are compliant (the
> same or derived from) with that of the primary measure.” /The primary
> measure which represents the value of the phenomenon to be measured via
> a reference to a concept, is mandatory and can take its semantic from
> any concept, although it is provided as a fixed identifier (OBS_VALUE).
> The SDMX MeasureDimension is above all a dimension, admittedly of a
> particular type, whereas it seems to me that the RDF Data Cube
> MeasureDimension, declared as a qb:MeasureType is primarily a measure.
> In my mind it is exemplified by the fact that the qb:MeasureType
> component is a dimension property with an implicit code list whereas
> SDMX requires a reference to an explicit ConceptScheme whether its
> representation be made explicit or not. I think it would be worth
> mentioning this slight difference.

We already addressed this in the previous discussion [2], though we have 
further clarified that this is a divergence from SDMX.

> _*7:*_“/Internal and external metadata/” seem to be equivalent to the
> SDMX structural and reference metadata. Provided that you deem the terms
> as identical, the SDMX terminology seems to me more specific to the
> statistical context.

Accepted, changed to use the SDMX terminology. This subsection has moved 
earlier in the document in response to another commenter.

Best wishes,


Received on Thursday, 9 May 2013 12:51:43 UTC