Comments on Linked Data Glossary

The Glossary [1] is, in general, nicely done!
Some specific comments and errata below.

Tom Baker


Creative Commons Licenses

    The wording is similar to that used on the page cited [1], and neither text
    actually starts by saying what a Creative Commons License _is_.  Maybe
    something like: 
        A Creative Commons licenses is a legal statement by the owner of
        copyright in intellectual property specifically allowing people to use
        or redistribute the copyrighted work in accordance with conditions
        specified therein.
    ...or words to that effect...


Controlled Vocabulary

    The entry lists "taxonomies, thesauri, and ontologies" as examples of
    "knowledge organization schemes."  In addition, it might be good to list
    (and create a separate entry for) "concept schemes."  The entry for Concept
    Schemes could cite SKOS, the most widely used vocabulary and data model for
    expressing knowledge organization schemes for use in Linked Data.

    I propose:
        The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) is a public, not-for-profit
        organization with a mission to promote interoperable metadata design and
        innovative practice.  DCMI manages the long-term curation and development of
        metadata standards such as the Dublin Core Element Set and DCMI Metadata

    "HTML defines the structure of Web pages and it is a family of W3C standards."
    -- delete "it"

    "It Defines many standards including in the context formats for dates and currency."
    -- lowercase "defines"


    "ETL is an abbreviation for extact, transform, load."
    -- "extract"

Tom Baker <>

Received on Thursday, 28 March 2013 19:16:00 UTC