Re: [QB] Domain of qb:sliceKey : qb:DataStructureDefinition or qb:DataSet?

Hi Laurent,

Thanks very much for spotting this.

You are correct that the ontology itself has an incorrect domain for 
qb:sliceKey. It should, as it states in the bulk of the specification, 
be qb:DataStructureDefinition.

As you surmise, the corresponding mistake in the reference section is 
the result of being automatically generated from the ontology.

I have correcting the ontology in the W3C repository (and the copy 
linked to the purl) and corrected the reference text in the editor's draft.

Since the bulk of the specification stated it correctly this is an 
errata correction, not a change in the spec.

Please let us know if you are satisfied with this response.

Best wishes,

On 26/07/13 09:54, wrote:
> Hi,
> These comments are based on
> (but I have also checked )
> What puzzles me the most is the difference for the rdfs:domain of qb:SliceKey between (the majority of the text):
> - Fig. 1 Pictorial summary of key terms and their relationship (where the domain is qb:DataStructureDefinition)
> - Text and message in Sectio 7.2 "We first define the structure of the slices we want by associating a "slice key" with the data structure definition. This is done by creating a qb:SliceKey to list the component properties (which must be dimensions) which will be fixed in the slice. The key is attached to the DSD using qb:sliceKey" (where the domain is qb:DataStructureDefinition)
> - .ttl example 11 (where the domain is qb:DataStructureDefinition)
> eg:dsd-le-slice1 a qb:DataStructureDefinition;
>      qb:sliceKey eg:s
> - .ttl example 13 (same thing)
> -constraints in IC-7 and associated ASK query below (where the domain is qb:DataStructureDefinition)
> Every qb:SliceKey must be associated with a qb:DataStructureDefinition.
> - Content in C. Complete example Data Cube (where the domain is qb:DataStructureDefinition)
> AND one snippet in the text plus the vocabulary itself.
> - In section 12.8 Slice definitions (where the domain is qb:DataSet)
> Domain: qb:DataSet in section 12.8 Slice definitions
> Property: qb:sliceKey ( Domain: qb:DataSet -> Range: qb:SliceKey )
> Indicates a slice key which is used for slices in this dataset.
> Is this because the content of section 12. Vocabulary reference is automatically derived from the content of ?
> I have noticed it because I have used CMAP to visualise the ontology structure. I used the file I can access to from which is .
> This may be an old version (dcterms:modified "2013-03-02"^^xsd:date;) or not.
> It does have a qb:sliceKey definition with a domain which is qb:DataSet
> qb:sliceKey a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
>      rdfs:label "slice key"@en;
>      rdfs:comment "indicates a slice key which is used for slices in this dataset"@en;
>      rdfs:domain qb:DataSet;
>      rdfs:range  qb:SliceKey;
>      rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
> But it also has a change which I think is listed as a "Change since W3C Last Call Working Draft 12 March 2013":
> Section 12.2. Corrected domain of qb:observation from qb:Slice to qb:ObservationGroup, was given correctly in the ontology and text body but was misstated in the reference section.
> qb:observation a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
>      rdfs:label "observation"@en;
>      rdfs:comment "indicates a observation contained within this slice of the data set"@en;
>      rdfs:domain qb:ObservationGroup;
>      rdfs:range qb:Observation;
>      rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
> Maybe there is a more recent version of to use instead?
> Regards
> Laurent

Received on Friday, 26 July 2013 15:52:53 UTC