[QB] Implementation report

I would like report a Data Cube implementation.


This implementation is called Computex (Computational Statistical
Indexes). It can be seen as an extension of RDF Data Cube to represent
statistical indexes that can be automatically computed using SPARQL

The main motivation is to apply Computex to the WebIndex Project
(http://data.webfoundation.org), although it could be applied to any
other statistical indexes.

At this moment, we are developing a Computex Validator which will also
be able to validate RDF Data Cube data.

More details about the project: https://github.com/weso/computex

The project is being developed by the WESO (Web Semantics Oviedo)
research group, from the University of Oviedo, Spain.

Best regards, Labra

Received on Tuesday, 16 July 2013 21:01:07 UTC