Re: Re: EuroCRIS comments to the Last Call Working Draft of the Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)

Hi Chris,

Many thanks for your comments on the euroCRIS contribution.

Great that you like the idea of a license associated also with an 
individual dataset.

It is worth briefly clarifying a couple of points in the euroCRIS 
contribution to avoid any chance of ambiguity:

1. The euroCRIS suggestion is to have separate classes to represent 
Person and Organisation instead of an umbrella Agent class - it is not 
against using foaf:Person and foaf:Organization for this purpose. While 
one might note that the relevant FOAF classes are somehow more "loosely" 
defined than needed for DCAT and semantically they might not be a 
perfect fit (in FOAF Person has a very wide meaning beyond real persons, 
Organization has also a loosely defined scope including fields like 
gender, etc.) it would be probably fine to use them in DCAT if the group 
supports that, given their popularity in other LOD implementations - no 
really strong views from euroCRIS about that.

2. The euroCRIS contribution is not intended as an extension proposal 
but as points and suggestions for the DCAT core specification that mean 
to contribute to DCAT being indeed achievable, tight, clear and easy to 

Best regards,
Nikos Houssos, Ph.D.
National Documentation Centre, Greece
euroCRIS Board Member

From: Christopher Gutteridge <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 15:48:55 +0100

To: "Simons, E.J. (Ed)" <>

a polite -1 for defining classes for Person and Organisation when foaf:
already defines these very clearly.

The suggestions section sounds like a very useful *extension* but not
part of the core and will muddy what's currently a nice tight(ish)
looking specification.

What's important is that dcat is something achievable and reasonably
easy to get right and interpret. There's no reason that the CERIF world
can't invent a vast number of extensions to it, but these should not be
part of the core specification.

The idea of a license on the metadata record (separate to the catalogue
or dataset or distribution) makes total sense. If & when DCAT takes off
there will be aggregated catalogues with records with different
licenses, but this should be no more tricksy than a dcterms:license
applied to a dcat:CatalogRecord.

On 08/04/13 11:48, Simons, E.J. (Ed) wrote:


On behalf of the euroCRIS Board, I, as President, herewith send you
the response of euroCRIS to your Last Call on the Working Draft of
the Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT).

The comments and suggestions made in the document are based upon
both the expertise of the authors in as well as their experience
with Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and the
(meta)datamodel underlying these systems, more specifically the
CERIF datamodel (Current European Research Information Format). The
latter, an official recommendation of the European Union to its
member states, encompasses the broad range of research information
aspects - funding, input, researchers, organisations, projects,
equipment, publications, underlying data(sets), ... - and includes
specific linking and semantic technologies that, in our view, could
bring substantial added value for the optimal description, discovery
and therefore dissemination and (re)use of research datasets. In
this respect the CERIF data model and its semantic technology might
be of significant interest to your initiative.

By sending you this document we, as euroCRIS Board, sincerely have
the intention (as well as the hope) to contribute to an optimal
creation of the DCAT and we kindly put ourselves at your disposal
for further information and cooperation. After all, we, as parties
working in the domain of research information, in the end all pursue
the same basic goal: the optimization (by means of IT) of both
scientific production and knowledge dissemination on a global scale.
So let's join forces whenever we can.

I wish you the best of success with the DCAT project.

Yours sincerely.

Ed Simons, Ph.D.,
Radboud University, NL.
President of euroCRIS.

>> --
>> Christopher Gutteridge --
>> University of Southampton Open Data Service:
>> You should read the ECS Web Team blog:
>> Would you recommend the software you use to another institution?

Received on Monday, 15 April 2013 08:47:57 UTC